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it keeps happening!!!!

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whenever my life seems to be gettine better it always turns around and goes wrong. i'm serious!!! especially if nothing has happenend for a while it means that something big is about to happen and there is nothing i can do to stop it.


is it me being paranoid????


Also i keep getting these nightmares that some one is chasing me and they have no name and they have no face thay just chase me all the time and make evil threats to me. can anyone interpret dreams or give me any advice on how to sleep without having one???

pm me if you can



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Well, I think this holds true for everyone.. Just when things seem to go well, something happens.. But personally, I think it's a state of mind too.. When things are going well, don't worry about what might be going wrong soon. Especially if they are stuff you can't do anything about. Make the best of your life by not worrying..


The best I can make a comparison with, is walking over a foot-wide board on the ground, or 100 yards high.. It's both just as easy to do, but at 100 yards high, people look down, get afraid to fall off, etc.


About your dreams. There's no way you can stop dreaming, or that you should. Dreaming is a very important part of mental healing and getting rested. People have, on average (iirc) 5-8 dreams a night.. however, most are forgotten. Only the ones that left some sort of impression or something, you keep remembering. (or with some training, you can remember more and more dreams, in higher detail, and ultimately, you could even control your dreams).


Interpreting your dream.. I'm a firm believer dreams are messages from your subconscious. Whether this dream is related to a fear of things going all wrong again after everything seemed to go well, I don't know.. but it seems likely.


Good luck!

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