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What is Ugly?(Women)

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Why do i find unattractive?

Shallowness,Arrogance,Selfishness, Those sort of aspects really,usualy you find at least one of those in every girl.


Music you know that is SOOOO true!!! 8)


Why can't you ever find at least one girl who is kind, and giving, and understanding, and modest, and what's a word the opposite of shallow. Also why are the girls who say they are turn out to be liars?


Why do almost every Young woman I see has a huge ego and toots her own horn every time and has to look at herself in the mirror 80 times a day and shout how pretty she is, and go fishing for complements?


Oh well just another gripe that we will never understand.

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music is the key: i remember be you rightly having a go at members for not answering your question how you wanted it to be, now i asked you what you find physically unattractive, so if it doesnt trouble you, what is the CORRECT answer? everyone both male and female or anything can state what you did and we find it within everyone at some point even yourself so what do you find PHYSICALLY unattractive in both sexes??


ck: i know there are women like that, ones who look in the mirror and then boast the ones who turn around say they are ugly to get attention and then gain complements, but im not one of those. nor are other percentages so i guess you can apply it to a specific person but not to a generation.

and do you know what, when i look in the mirror, i see hate, i see a girl looking back at me, who is too slim for what she requires, yeah shes in proportion but all she really is is bones, she walks around in either figure huggin clothes to prove that she actually has one or she stands there and wears baggy clothes covering all that she has because she hates her body. yeah people envy my body but i envy others, its a process, noone is perfect they cant be, they sure as hell try to be, but your stuck with EXACTLY what you have and make of it!

so yeah i try to gain weight i try to look good, just like a man gets gel out, even uses facial products now shaves etc all for the same thing, to boost ones self esteem!


so do not judge a group, it takes a lot for a girl and a boy to understand how they feel about themselves, its only like the group of men that go and pump up there bodies, style colour there hair (were all the same just different sex) and despite people being vain its not just women!


self concept is a fragile thing so i dont get the deal with it and people trying to ruin others. i think youd find if this post asked for not what you hated on others but on yourself, the list would be far greater!


thats all i have to say.


(sorry if i got a bit heated music is the key)

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did you though? i asked you for a physical description, the way someone looks, how can you get heated over others answers if you contradict yourself and reply in the same way?


despite honesty, and yes that may be so, what is it that within a persons looks you dislike? avoiding the answer isnt honest its just moving away from soemthing that you may get picked up on just like you have picked up on the rest of women!




it isnt a problem it just shows me how people walk away from there own questions, shame really isnt it, cant handle what you have to say. and what people respond.

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shame when i have evidence that you do, isnt it horrible how the world is now based upon lies? i mean whats the deal with that? the way people do one thing turn around and change it to please another, why do people lie?


i mean people try to justify it with aww it was a white lie, grow up!


so maybe if you think about that you might realise a few things if not then maybe you right your not attracted to ANYONE. still views are views right.



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How can you state "all good-looking girls go for good-looking guys" as a fact, when you don't find anything to be attractive and only see beauty as being within? Surely this would mean that they are shallow, and as you stated, this is one of those things you find unattractive. It doesn't make sense to me.

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