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Why is he being so mean to me

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Well, whenever I've lived with a girlfriend, there always has been problems. We lost respect for each other. So, I don't suggest living with anyone in the first place prior to marriage (just MY opinion).


The reason I say this is that if you are having sex and living together and not married, then... wassup? I mean, your relationship is going no where then. There is no such thing as a TRIAL RUN. All of life is one big showtime. So, I don't suggest this lifestyle.


My guess is that he doesn't respect you or maybe even himself right now.


I suggest moving out unless you know you will be marrying him. Just my opinion.

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Give him space! This is what happened just before my ex broke up with me. We didn't live together but i was at his place just about every night. I did what you shouldn't - that is ask him what's wrong, get upset, not leave him alone.

Don't try to ask him what is wrong. Men have trouble communicating their feelings.

Could you stay at a friends place or go on a short holiday?

If not just stay out of his way for a little while. If it continues, and he won't talk properly --then i would end it before he does. I know this is probably not what you want to happen but relationships take 2 people + communcation + trust + understanding...if these things aren;t there anymore..tehn you both have to want to work it out...otherwise there is no point. You will be happier for it in the long run.

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