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How often should you tell a friend that they R appericated?

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the reason for me asking is i always tell all my close friends on how important they are the friendship means to me. Even with my one guy buddy. I tell him all the time. I guess my real question is could you ever tell someone to little or to many times on how much you value their friendship? How often should you tell he or she?

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I think that might depend on the friend involved. Some people need to hear it all the time. Others don't. Its hard to give you a general rule that would make all your friends happy. But I certainly think telling them once in awhile is a very good idea.


I think I'd just go ahead as you have been doing. If they get tired of hearing it, and they are a true friend they'll tell you.



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yeah i have to agree with the avman, i mean it does depend on the person and if ever anything bad has happened within the friendship, some can take it as sarcasm, jokes etc and some are appreciative. i reackon if you know your friends well then you will know if it is too much and besides you shouldnt just randomly scream out how you appreciate them there are the right times, you get me?



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yeah, i think it depends on the person also. i mean no way i could never get enough of that, but like someone like my mom would feel like it was just being said too much and didn't mean as much. i wouldn' t ever be able to be told that too much though, i think it's cool that you can tell your friends how much they mean to you. thats sweet.

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