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Hi everybody.


Quick question..Anybody got any tips on giving up smoking?I have recently been ill, and when i am ill i never get cravings for cigarettes.As i have almost gotten over being unwell,i have smoked very few cigarettes in the past couple of days so i thought this is as good of a time as any to try and do it. I was going to try the patches and gum and things but then i thought maybe it would be better and less expensive (perhaps more rewarding) to try and conquer it on my own.


I have been smoking for going on 6 years now,and started very young.(12 years old).The stuff i have been coughing up recently is really vile.


I wanna quit,help??

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if you can't make it on your own, i heard the plasters are very sufficient, better than anything else which could help you stop smoking.


when wearing them, you lose the desire to smoke, and if you smoke anyway, you'll feel drowsy and stuff and lose interest fast... it takes about a week 'til you've overcome your addiction - or so i've heard.

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trust me dont just go cold turkey and quit it needs to be a gradual process and maybe cut down at small amounts each time, other wise you might get a little freaked out, well some do as they believe it is a stress relief, but truly its your mind convincing you this.


so id cut down gradually, and thereforeeee there will be a greater reward when you dont need any or a small amount.



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Hey buffalosoldier,


My husband smoked since he was 6 years old, no joke... (shows you what kind of family life he had).... anyway, he's 31 now, so you figure he's smoked for about 25 years.... well, he really wanted to quit badly, and tried cutting back gradually, hypnosis, and cold turkey and none of that worked. Then, he had a physical for work and they had him blow into a tube that measures how strong your lungs are or something, and it was supposed to move a needle up to around the number 10 to be in the normal range but he couldn't get it past 4, and he was blowing as hard as he could. The dr. thought he was teasing at first. He wasn't, and they told him that his lungs were absolutely horrible for his age.... He got so scared that he threw his pack of cigarettes in the trash right there in the exam room. And he doesn't have trouble breathing or anything, no coughing, etc., absolutely no symptoms of bad lungs. It was kind of scary. He hasn't smoked since, it's going on 5 months now. He says he still craves them when seeing someone else smoke, however he can't stand the smell of being around someone who smokes.... strange. Anyway, so my suggestion is to have your lungs tested and maybe the threat of your mortality will help you quit..... Good luck!

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just keep thinking how important it is to you. keep thinking how yeah, you might want it now but it will only satisfy you until it wears off and then you have another. but when you can keep going for a while and get completely off of them that will be satisfying for a life time knowing that you did it. go to the dr and ask for something to help. gum, patches, anything. just don't give up. when you feel like you can't do it anymore, find something to intertain you or get your mind off of it, you are stronger then your addictioin and you can beat it if you keep trying and don't give up. i am here for you anytime you need to talk-k-

love Qtpie87

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