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is no strings attatched really the best?

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There are romantic guys out there. Don't lose hope yah? I for one, still strongly believe in romance and faith. Without either of which, it is near impossible to sustain a relationship. Keep your fingers crossed that you might meet a romantic and dedicated guy some day!


Blessings to you.

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First, try not to generalize...there are a lot of good guys out there. Second, what kind of guys are you attracted to, or what type of guys come to you? You might want to date outside what you consider the norm. Another thing you must keep in mind is that you may need to date a larger number of men to weed out the ones that don't work for you. I can tell you that all the guys I know look for what most people do, that special person. They are all romantic to varying degrees, they all want to settle down at some point in their lives with a significant other. Some are not sure they want kids or not, but they know they want to fall in love. Some guys might be in the stage of their life where they just want have casual sex, or casual dating. If the latter sounds like what you have been dealing with don't get involved. Another thing to remember, love that you read in fairy tales is just that..."a fairy tale" Love is real, but it requires work from two people, compomise, dedication, and there will be disagreements. Do not look at entertainment as a scale to measure romance and love or you will be disappointed. Don't get me wrong, love can still be great and last forever. But when was the last time a movie or book went on for another chapter to show what happened over the next 20 years of marriage. Love is very real but everyones expectation of it can be slightly different. So know exactly what it is what you want and go hunting for it, when your sure of your self and happy you will find it.

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Hi White-Angel,


Zippitt here said it all! I agree totally with him.


1) Find out what your needs and expectations are in a relation

2) Find out what you look for in life

3) Be happy and confident over yourself.


As for generalizing, zippitt is right. You have to be careful with generalizing any group of people. Those thoughts might unconsiously hold you back from meeting them. You might send out the wrong signals while thinking that.


Seriously, White Angel, there are real romantic guys out there!


Good hunting....


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends on the age group you are seeking... I have found in my 15 or so years of dating (from 18-33) that the "prime age" for guys to want to settle down is late 20's and early 30's.. It was tough when I was younger (early 20's) as many guys I met (including my long time boyfriend who left me when I was 22) just didnt have enough "experience" to know a good thing when they saw it! Most guys I met right after my long-time boyfriend just wanted a quick roll in the hay or a summer fling. Although I was tempted because of my issues in dealing with my breakup, I'm really glad I didnt take any of them up on those offers!


Older guys (late 20's into 30's) have been around a bit, and also they have probably seen some of their friends get serious with someone and even have a few friends with wives and kids, so the idea of being serious, even marrying and being a dad is not so foreign!


My motto: Let guys make their mistakes with other women BEFORE they meet you!!!!


If you are in your teens or early 20's... be patient! Just because a guy doesnt want strings now, doesn't mean he'll be the same in 10 years. Keep in mind, just like the other posters, not ALL guys (even young ones) are not romantic, etc. - there are good ones out there, but you do have to take your time in looking! There's no rush either - I'm still single and I'm 33 (although I am talking marriage with my current BF) - "settling down" with a good partner just takes as long as it has to take!

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