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Spirituality Systems and the Medical Model

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It can be complicated to look at all the religious and philosophical systems that address the issue of humanity. One method of organizing the different worldview systems is to look at it through the medical model. The Medical model has the following parts; Symptom, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Prescription.




  • System- Symptoms- Diagnosis- Prognosis- Prescription
  • buddha- suffering- desire- nirvana- ego-reduction
  • Stoicism- anxiety- passion- peace- passionlessness
  • Plato- vice- ignorance- virtue- knowledge
  • Christ- death- sin- salvation- faith
  • Luther- guilt- self-justification- justification- faith
  • Pascal- boredom- wretchedness- hope- the "wager"
  • Kierkegaard- despair- aesthetic existence- authentic existence ethical and religious "leap"
  • Descartes- uncertainty- unscientific methods- certainty- scientific method
  • Marx- alienation- capitalism- classless society- communist revolution

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Interesting. I've never seen it analyzed from such a viewpoint. I've always felt though, there seemed to be some 'negatives' that could result in 'positives' The part I feel uncomfortable about with some religions though is that there is a lot of emphasis on the 'Symptoms' and 'Diagnosis' part, although I guess it depends on who is administering it all.

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I've always felt though, there seemed to be some 'negatives' that could result in 'positives'


This is true at times but what is the alternative?




The part I feel uncomfortable about with some religions though is that there is a lot of emphasis on the 'Symptoms' and 'Diagnosis' part, although I guess it depends on who is administering it all.



From my faith tradition we call it original sin. It is probably the one doctrine that can be proven by science. We all are a messed up in one way or the other. We all fall short of who we really are. Just look at the sex scandal in the Catholic Church, the news, or just inside yourself. I think it is uncomfortable to everyone to face their dark side but I think it is the one thing that all the systems are trying to deal with.

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Hello Cure Of Ars,


Ah religions, religions... so much to be said about it isn't?


It is not possible to not believe in something. Even atheists believe that there is not a God. The systems that I listed all have some truth to them. But some are truer than others.

What about the Agnostics? What do they believe in, doubts?


Omega Man

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hey man... why ya gotta put me on the spot for... i said aslong as you believe in something does not mean anything neg fool... so back off.. aight..


I did not take your post as neg. I just try to challenge people.

If you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen and if you can't take the truth stay out of the Catholic Church.


i respect other ppl's choices... cause it does not affect me... in any why shape or form...


No man is an island. Your reaction to me is proof enough that other peoples choices affect you.

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