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desperatly looking for any advise at all

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ok so i really started liking this guy and he told me that he likes me a lot too. for like a month he told me he doesnt like anyone else but me and he likes me soo much. we have been spending every weekend with eachother and everything. like one week ago i found oiut that he likes another girl from another school and me. so i confronted him and at first he said no but then he decided to tell me the truth and he told me that he did like her but he just reasently started liking her. and that he likes me more than he likes her. he said he doesnt even like her that much. but it really bugs me because if like i cant do sumthin with him he like goes and hangs out with her. i mean he is a senior and i am a soph but i dont think he is player. he hasnt kissed either of us its just...i kinow that we arent going out and i dont really no how to take this situation so please help me and give me any advise you can.

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Well, its good that he was honest enough with you to let u know that he does like the other girl., now you dont have to wander if its true or not...but it seems to me as if he's unsure of what he wants exactly, and maybe seeing both of you to determine who he would like to see on a long term basis...


When I'm in a relationship with a guy, I would prefer that we both remain monogomous with one another. Some ppl enjoy seeing more than one person for personal gratification, or even to boost their ego,...but if I am seeing someone and he chooses this path, I must separate myself from his company altogether. I personally dont think that ppl who choose to remain monogomous, should have to deal with a partner that wants more than one partner...


Its all about personal choices you make,...if it makes u uncomfortable, please discuss your feelings with him, or he will go along with the idea that you both accept the other,...and eventually when you feel as if you dont want to tolerate it any further,...it will be difficult for you to get your point accross since you allowed it for so long.


Weigh out your options, and decide weather or not this guy is really worth your time, or if he is as interested in you as he lead you to believe. If he says he is,...all you can do is trust his word...and wait to see what happens...


good luck..





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At this point, you really don't have any say in who he sees or doesn't see, unless you ask him out. Yes, you've both stated that you're attracted to one another, but in terms of dating, that doesn't mean anything commitment-wise.


If you're serious about this guy and want to hook up w/him, ask him out. If he says no, then you'll know that he's still undecided about you and this other girl. If he says yes, he may STILL be undecided, but leaning more towards you.


It's a tough call......but be cautious in your dealings with him until you know for sure how he feels, so you're not hurt more. He may accept just as something to do and because he DOES like you, but that doesn't mean he's made up his mind on who he wants to be with! Just be careful, and don't jump in with both feet!



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[This is my first post, so... hello everyone!]


Here is my opinion as a 20 year old guy:


I don't know how old is he, but where I live, that kind of behavior can't be tolerated in guy older than 18. My sister had this boyfriend who (we found out later) was dating an other girl at the same time. Well, he liked my sister because she was sweet and tender, and he liked the other girl because she was wild and crazy. So, either way, he didn't love any girl, he just wanted to have some fun. The end: my sister dumped him and he got sad... for just one day! One month later he started hanging out with an other girl (a third girl), they are now married and look happy, guess he found the way between sweet and wild...


Conclusion: unless you're into the "swing" thing, you should dump him. If he is seeing another girl, most likely is looking for something he can't see in you. This means he doesn't fully love you. You know, when you love someone, you also love the not so good things.

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