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A question about the kiss

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Hi, im 14 and im a guy. I have never kissed a girl before (in any way) i feel left behind. I've been w/ alot of girls but we just, you know talk and some other stuff. Now im in 9th grade and its practically a "Must thing to do." Right now i'm single but i feel when i get with someone i will have to kiss. Please someone help me to get through this. Is there ways to

make-out that you just don't know of. All help is greatly appreciated.

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its hard to explain how to kiss. its just something you do & with practice you get better. just relax & be calm. you are only 14?? you don't need to feel left out. i didn't have my first kiss until i was 16 & many other people can say the same. a lot of other people get their first kiss when they are older than that even. don't feel pressured just because everyone else is doing it. your time will come when its time.

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I have a question for you, why are you in such a rush? You're feeling left behind from who? About what? Sexuality? Where are you seen in the big book of life that it was urging? Do you really think life goes like this:


14=gotta kiss

16=oral sex

18=full sex


25=at least one kid

30=gotta have a permanent job..


and so on...


Don't feel pressure, it will come when you're ready. As far as kissing goes, follow your instinct and everything will be just fine.





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For some reason, when i read your post, i knew exactly what you were talking about. When i was 14, everyone was kissing behind portables and so forth, and i was the only one who hadn't. It finally happened that year, but only because i had been 'going out' with this guy, and he finally just kissed me.... i didn't even see it coming... it was really funny. But, just wait until its the right time, don't be pressured by your friends, peer pressure was the worst thing in life for me... got me to start smoking when i was 10 yrs old, have sex early get into crazy shit when i shouldn't have even been saying the word shit.... follow what you think, no body really cares if you are kissing or not, they just think they are cool because they are doing it. be yourself, and do things on your own time, it makes life a lot happier. I gave up those friends that bought me into their ways, and now my life is a lot happier... you may not see it now, but wait a few years and you'll get the bigger picture.

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