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what are you looking at!?

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Now I'm fairly annoyed right now. I lock eyes with a girl, I smile, but she just keeps on looking with a blank expression!? Is it wrong to then say "what the hell do you think your looking at!?" because really everyone knows it's rude to stare! Some people need their heads kicked in for such manners!


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Hi Everyone,


Shouting abuse and punching people never sorts any issues out, it generally just cause more friction, and makes situations a lot more complicated and awkward than they are.


If someone is staring at you, in your eyes, look away ! How hard is that. If someone wants to look at someone else, there is not a lot one can do about it. You can indeed simply ask "Why are you staring at me like that" in a reasonable but not aggressive tone. That way you are more likely to get the real answer from them, not something that you provoked by your aggression - that would leave you non the wiser about anything, and the staring would probably continue.


As always, clear non aggressive communication can probably sort this one out.


Hope this helps you some,

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When this happens to me, I usually make a joke about it I'll wave at the person with a huge smile on my face (as if they were my best friend). It makes them feel uncomfortable, and then I usually just laugh because THEY are the ones that look like the fool for staring and not doing anything.. not me.

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Haha, that's a good point charmed. lol. Good idea. Next time I see this girl I'll just say "Can I help you?" and if she's says "what?" I'll just say "oh I thought you wanted to know something because you keep staring at me"


She'll stop looking at me completely or just tell me the reason she's looking at me, thanks again

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Haha, that's a good point charmed. lol. Good idea. Next time I see this girl I'll just say "Can I help you?" and if she's says "what?" I'll just say "oh I thought you wanted to know something because you keep staring at me"


She'll stop looking at me completely or just tell me the reason she's looking at me, thanks again




Yeah, I do that too. Works like a charm. Once at my old job, these two old guy employees kept staring at my friend and I (probably cause we were teenagers in a job basically run by older people), and I caught one of them peeping out the window of a garage at us, so I waved from the car we were in, and he looked real irritated and stopped looking. I showed him!

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