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it happened again.....with a differant one

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see my last post to get the details..."ex's friend coming on to me, it feels great".


well...it happened again. only this night it was another one her friends. lol

no sex. just a night of cuddling and a few nice kisses. her friends seem to really like me lately........? they all say i deserved better, this that and the other thing. i have had more fun in the last couple weekends. i need it and i deserve it. my confidence is as high as its been since the ex left.

saturday night was a jack and jill party.........awesome. i was a dancing machine, a drunk one at that. and i can honestly say(im not a cocky guy....im just experiencing some excitement in my life) that girls were flocking to me. i felt like "the man" that night. anyway, it amazes me that when your single, even friends of your ex wont hesitate. i should also ad that the ex wasnt around either weekend. nor has she been in the last few months when i run into all her friends. thankgod!!!!!

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in defense for myself.......no im not seeking revenge, nor am i seeking a relationship with any of them. i was simply stating that it was funny how her friends seem to be coming on to me. i didnt act anyother way then i normaly do, nor do i feel i am the one doing the seducing. where do you get off saying im seeking revenge??? why dont you read my post alittle better.

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