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How true is this statement?

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yes i would say that the statment is very true it may cause pain and heartbreak on the way but it hopefully always have a hapy ending, sometimes we say to get someone back you must loose them first.

is this question on a personly note or were you just wondering?


hope this helps, sorry if it sounds kinda cheesey

~ LJ

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yeah ive always believed that statement is true, i feel that if you loved them and they loved you then they will come back.

it may well be a challange in actually ltting go but is best to do this now and attempt in rekindling it later on instead of getting in too deep and disliking the person thuogh pain caused.

i feel that love is very much a precious thing the definition of it variers throughout, if you love her with all intensity and this is returned then she will come back.

good luck.


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Well, Personally I have a hard time saying this is true, maybe because I think we all control our own lives and I don't like to give up that control to somebody else or to anything. I think it depends upon the situation and I'll try to explain why.


First of all, it takes TWO in a relationship to make it work. You can't wait around and depend on someone else to initiate things to happen the way you want them to. Life is way too short for that. Why leave your destiny up to someone else? If you love the person, tell them, be upfront, and tell them what you want. What they feel or do is something at that particular point in time is something you cannot control. But at least you know that you gave it your all, and you told them how you feel, and you'll have no regrets later. If they choose to not be around when you want them, that's their choice. So then you break up, or whatever. Then later on if they come back you can DECIDE then if YOU want them back. I wouldn't go running back into their arms thinking "Oh, it must be meant to be since they came back!" without thinking it through thoroughly, what went wrong the first time, etc. Problems never go away until they are confronted, admitted, studied, and worked out.


On a separate note, if someone cheated on you in any way, I say let them go and forget you ever met them. That is the ultimate betrayal to me and I could never forgive that no matter what the reason was. I would never be able to trust them because the image of them voluntarily being with another person would constantly be in my mind. I wouldn't care if they came back fifty times with roses, gifts, etc., I'd slam the door in their face.



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I think it's true. Sometimes people need their space and freedom to realize what they want. It's a good idea to let a person you love miss you for a little bit. If they miss you and they want to be with you again, i'm sure they'd contact you in time. When you miss somebody, you tend to idealize somebody in your mind and only think about the good times.....

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O.o Well it is true...but it works both ways. Sometimes when you really love someone, its best if you let them go, and be with someone else. I mean...I'd rather have Larkin (guy I like) have a wonderful relationship, and for him to be happy, than me get in the way and make it misrable. Then again, sometimes you let them go, and they come back...Woot Woot for those moments!

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