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I'm starting to like one of my friends!!!(help)

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here's the deal... I'm friends with this guy. Not really good friends or anything but we talk and stuff. His gf dumped him a little while ago, so I was asking him who he liked so I could try to set him up. He kept putting it off and asking me who I like instead. He finally said that he'd tell me who he thought was hot. He told me this one girls name and I asked him if he liked her. He said no and that he just thought she was hot. I asked him this on two different occasions and his answer was the same both times. He finally promised he'd tell and the next time I got talking to him... I asked who he liked, he said he liked HER!! Then he asked who I like... I couldn't tell him though.He keeps on asking me who... abd he seems really concerned about who it is but.... Anyone have an idea of what's goin on?? thx ~skittles~

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it seems to me that you wanted his guy to open up too you and he did and now that he asks you to open up to him you are backing away. stop that girl you will start to confuss that man. He might start to think that he are playing with him and we both might stop beening friends. Tell him how you feel but don't get in a relationship with him too fast, let him heal from his last relationship ok. It helps.

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Hello. Whatever you do don't be friends too long because it sucks. Men and women can only be friends if neither of them are attracted to each other. If one is interested and one is not or one is wishy washy, then it is a waste of time and someone will get hurt. I wasted lots of time on guys trying to be friends, trying to get the to like me, WASTE OF TIME even though you LIKE them SOOOO much. I think it clicks or it does not and I don't care how old you are. The older you get the more direct you become since the other stuff is really just flirting or some form of flirtation, fluffy conversation but not real interest. Just my opinion. Bonne chance!

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