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how do i know if i have an orgasm?


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ive had many moments of huge pleasure where my whole body is tingling ...but it still has never felt as "amazing" as orgasms are made out to be. can any of the girls out there tell me what it feels like or how i can tell if im having one or have had one? this would help a lot because i feel like im not doing the right things and im missing out on a lot.... just any orgasm advice/knowledge would be great! thanx sooo much!

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Hello. Well, I am not the queen of orgasms with my man unfortunately, but I clearly know what they are since I am the queen of the nocturnal type (it's like the male wet dreams, only they are not so wet and they happen at night when you have a sexy dream).


For me, and this may not be everybody, your pelvic area becomes very aroused like you are weak, you usually need some hand stroking anywhere around your clitoris or on the pubic bone (with a few fingers or the whole hand) (1 stroke, a few or none at all) and then you feel like a distinct release in your uterus (it is the contraction of the PC muscle I believe). The arousal slowly goes away and you return to a state or rest. This whole process can be more or less intense, as there are little orgasms and bigger orgasms and you can have multiple ones also. Look up those 4 phases of an orgasm on the Net and you can tell if you have them.


Personally, I have not been able to get this with my man because of arousal problems (and other issues no doubt) or with masturbation, but sexy dreams seem to stimulate my mind and then my body. Funny, eh, but that is the way I am built.


Remember, it is a clear and distinct feeling. If you don't know it, you probably don,t have it.

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The best orgasms start in your head, thats true.


Just practice with yourself, let your mind go and your body will follow.


Men and women generally orgasm differently, men are at a plateau for most then the peak hits quickly then and quickly goes away.


Women, build up slowly like a pot of water on the stove, building up, more and more, then they boil over, then slowly cool down. thats why some women get frustrated when men just roll over after orgasm, because some men dont understand that just because a woman has reached climax doesnt mean that they are not still aroused.


So, practice finding those feelings, use lubricant or vibrator if needed, most women do NOT reach orgasm through regular intercourse on a regular basis. so there is nothing wrong with you.


Once you learn to focus on those feelings, youll be able to find what your looking for, but dont try too hard, as that pressure will bring you down.

its not the destiny but the journey.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey girls! Well, I suppose I'm not the expert on the female orgasm, and I know that every woman is different, but here's my advice based on my personal experience...


when you are manually stimulating yourself or when your guy is doing the work for you, lay on you back and focus completely on your clitoris (slightly above or below it). Make sure you are wet and using the wetness on your clitoris, otherwise, you will be rubbing it too hard. The clitoris takes very gentle stimulation to reach orgasm. Typically, my boyfriend teases me by gently running his fingertips over my panties before even trying to touch my clit. This will get you wet enough to start.


When you begin to feel the tingly feeling that is natural, start to tense your butt and leg muscles. I tend to find that my orgasms are WAY more intense if I keep my legs closer together as opposed to spread wide open. (About 2 feet apart should do the trick). When you feel like the sensations are becoming more intense, point your toes and tense your butt and legs as hard as you can. You will feel every muscle in your body start to tighten up, including your face. Don't worry or feel embarrassed about making weird faces. #1, if you're alone, who else is gonna see you and #2, if your guy is getting you off, he should be proud of his good job, which is leaving you unable to control any part of your body anymore.


When you are hitting orgasm, you should feel this amazing sensation... almost like you have to pee, but in a very good way. I suppose it is hard to explain. Sometimes, after the stimulation is stopped, you will feel a sporadic pulsing in your vagina. Other times, you won't feel it at all. At first, I used to worry that I wasn't doing it right when I didn't feel the pulses, but then I realized that it feels just as good when I don't feel them afterward, so who cares? As long as you are hitting it in the 1st place, that's all that matters, right?


Also, help your guy out... tell him if he's not i nthe right spot... higher, lower, more to the right. Tell him if you need it faster, slower, softer, harder, whatever. And let him know how close you are so he doesn't give up at the last second before you hit orgasm. That is always the worst... to be so close, then lose it. Ugh!


So the moral of the story...

1) Don't stimulate a dry clitoris

2) Pre-game teasing is always a plus

3) Keep your legs closer together

4) Tense your butt and legs to help the orgasm along (and it helps tone your muscles for those buns of steal we all want, need and covet. haha)

5) Don't worry about looking weird. Just let go and enjoy.

6) Don't be afraid to try again. Your first orgasm is always the hardest to reach. Don't give up or let your guy give up until you get your first one. After that, it's CAKE to reach orgasm again and again.

7) Take charge and give your guy a play by play. It's better to sound like you are taking charge than to let him call the shots and never feel satisfied.

*Guys will typically tell you there is nothing sexier than a girl telling

him how she wants it

*You know your body better than he does. You know when you are

feeling AMAZING and when you're feeling just good.

*Coaching your guy will help him out in the future. So by doing so,

you're actually training him to be your personal expert while he's too

turned on by your sexy demands to even take notice. That's

EXACTLY the way we ought to work it, girls! Ha!


So there is my advice. Give it a whirl and see if it works. If not, just remember that every woman is built differently. What works for you may never work for me and vice versa.


Good luck, Ladies!

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