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  1. I had dated a woman for the last five years. The kind of woman that comes along once in a lifetime! But she recently broken up with me about 2 weeks prior to Christmas. Ultimately it was because a friend of mine of about 10 years decided it was time to tell her a few things I had said about her. Needless to say I was not much of a person for saying these things (too controlling, over zealous, and thought of leaving her) but I was hoping for some insight. She had takin all of her stuff back except this futon. I don't know how much she cares about me anymore but I know she cares about this piece of furniture. But since she has no place to put it it remains in my possession. Now the thing is that we haven't seen each other except twice since this happened and she thinks that I should give her money for it since she has nowhere to put it and no way to get it from me. She also expects a little more money for things she bought me when we were together around 500 bux, the couch was a little over a hundred. I still have the deepest of feelings for her and would walk the Sahara on my hands backwards to have another chance with her. So in short, What should I do about this money situation and how should I deal with this so called "friend" who ratted me out? Couse I would really like to pound him flat! Although it will not do any good. Again the only contact I've had with her is her asking me to give her money........What do I do?
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