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Posts posted by confused...

  1. thank you so much.

    Its really tiny little things that piled up and though we far away, its always the topic of argument. I know its not really nice at all. And It isn't.

    But there's a hope for me that I can see him in 2 months or so, and if I can't be able to show that as asap now cos I disappoint him and made him feel sick of those argument we had. He cut the all the contacts from me now so I can't say a word to show him that I trust him now. I sorta learned from his silence, but I just can't show him or I don't know how to show him I trust him now in a right way.

    how can I show him that I trust him without reminding him all about the argument we had to do with trust?

    Its really hurting me to know until time will tell cos we can't see each other..

    It scares me to think that I might lose him If don't contact him, and if I contact him and remind him about the trust issue again.


    Please help!



  2. Hi, Is there any way to show that I trust my bf now after loads of argument to do with the trust thing.

    saying I trust him obviously isn't enough.

    I do need to let him know somehow from far away(distance relationship) so.

    Or is it something impossible thing to do cos I already dissappoint him?



  3. I think we are still together...

    But I don't have confidence to say that he really want to be with me like he used to be. We've been doing one and half year ldr, we met three times in between.

    I've been jealous for he is kind of person who always hang out with female just almost always. and going to the party which is only girls except him. But he told me there is nothing to worry about and stuff, but I haven't been able to trust him. He one time fancy someone while we are being away from each other, and he told me he wanted her to be me, it wasn't fancy. And she coming here where i live along as him for they have same situation for having to study here. I couldn't stop myself thinking that he's coming here only she's coming here as well, but not for being with me. But he saying for me, but I couldn't believe it..

    Then again I haven't been able to trust him.

    It doesn't matter when we are together, its just the distance makes me jealous person even more..

    I think he tried to help me through, but seem to decide that I can't change my bad traits of in a way seeing him.

    For now, I should have just him what he was saying..

    Maybe I might have took his kind help.. for granted and it lasted almost a year that we are in that situation that I can't fully trust him.

    However, in 2 or 3 months, we could see each other. This is the end of our ldr. I don't know why he seems to give up on me..

    What can I do to let him know that I will be able to trust him?

    He's been saying he wants me to trust him, but I don't know how to let him know that I trust him now..

    I really don't want to lose him. I do need to let him know that I can trust him. But I just don't know how.. with him being cold lately.

    He told me nothing from me help him feeling any better for he thinks there is no trust from me.


    I want him to trust me that I can trust him

    .....I just wanna see him

  4. Hi, I don't really know what situation I'm in, but its really bad..

    I know that trust is very important thing esp LDR, but I haven't been able to trust him partly because I'm jealous person. I don't know how does it feel like not being trusted. Does it feel bad if anybody knows that feeling?... Its 2 months or so to go when we defenitely actually see each other and this is going to be end of ldr finally.

    My bf is really really nice person, too kind sometimes (but that might be why I've been worried too much..) but He's been really really cold to me these days. I'm scared by his change of personality almost..

    What does it mean? I know that I disappoint him for I haven't seem to change in a way I see him, he said he is sick of argument because of it but isn't it natural to worry when you can't see??!

    All the e-mails I get from him is cold, just cold. Still I feel better than getting no e-mail. But it really hurts. I apologized to him for I haven't being able to trust him, but he doesn't seem to care at all what I'm saying, but seem to decided that I can't trust him so its like I have no right to get kind attention from him.

    I really love him, but I don't know how to approach him for everything I say or everything from me seems to put fire on his feeling he has bottled up. Why has he bottled up his feeling too long in the first place

    I don't know what should I do.. giving him time now makes me scare that I might lose him, but keep in touch and getting cold and distant reply while distance is already there... it really hurts.

    Have I lost him completely? I want to be with him, but I don't know how to make things better right now..

  5. Hi thank you for the reply. Yeah true, I do need to know common ground...

    But sometimes I feel impossible to get common ground with him.

    For he doesn't even tell me he got letter from me, so I suppose my bf doesn't appreciate the contacts as much as I do.

    I always get disappointed with his no reaction when I want at least him to tell me he got letter..or something.

    I guess... the guys doesn't need contacts as much as women too, but isn't this my bf is a bit extreme? or way too relaxed..

    I wish I could handle with this LDR like you do!

  6. Thanks. I told him many times about my feeling over and over. Maybe too much to forget that is serious problem for me.

    We have 4 or 5 months to go almost till we could meet again. And that is the our end of the LDR, I hope.

    Keeping busy myself seemed to work one time, but since we have time difference and we don't communicate well so that eventually I feel like either is going to forget the other, although inside I don't think that's going to happen but feels like it.


    2-1/2 hours away, sounds like my dream now so I could see him just a bit more often... compared to mine. But I know being away from each other is the same situation no matter how long is the distance.


    Doing LDR for a year, and seeing each other 3 times in between. And everytime I get this awkward feeling for him. I thought its kinda getting used to thing, but everytime its tough. And after those thing, when we finally get together, I'm not sure if its going to work like it used to be before LDR.

    thank you for the suggestion!

  7. Hello, I'm in LDR(different country) with my boyfriend. And problem is I THINK we don't communicate well. and he doesn't think that way.


    Thing is, while he loves computer related thing too much, he doesn't reply to me much in e-mails. But i don't think he doesn't love me or anything(maybe?), just can't get it why he doesn't reply to my e-mails while the ways to keep in touch are limited.


    I read many ppl in LDR are burned out, and by females most of the time.

    I was surprised to read that actually, but at the same time, I know that it all depends on the person, but maybe its because the men give the women the reasons to do so? I don't know.


    A lot of not-knowing make me wonder still...

  8. I kinda have hard times to get over jealous I get when we happens to talk about his exes, and he knows about it well, so of course he isn't in a romantic mode or anything, but just kinda tense, or maybe irritated as its repeated many times.

    So I would say he said it panicky way like with saying "that was weird" ... and the reason is because he only could get gf there where he get exes.

    However I know that his exes, is his real type for some reasons.

    I love him but sometimes I feel being taken for granted in a way.


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