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Posts posted by euphoria224

  1. For the past few months, I've felt these bumps all over my head. Not bumps like I banged my head on the corner of a table, but like a bug bite, and if I itch one even a little bit, I can't stop. Uck , that sounds like I'm describing lice but I know that it isn't. I feel like theres more after I shampoo my hair. Has this happened to anyone else? I have NO idea what it is! Any help would be appreciated, thanks so much!

  2. Let me just say beforehand that I'm 16, and my boyfriend is 18 [Aaron]. We've been together for a little over 10 months now, very in love, and it's alot better than most of the relationships I know of at school.

    The problem is that lately I've thought that Aaron's best friend, Cliff, is really sexy . I mean it's not necessarily his personality I like [even though it IS cool], but the past 2 times we've hung out with him, I've wondered what it'd be like to have sex with him. I thought it would be alot of fun, I like Cliff's body [he's a little more muscular than Aaron] and his hair and goatee are looking pretty hot, too. I'll never ever cheat on Aaron but I don't know how to get over this, I was checking Cliff out today and I think Aaron thinks I like him [which I do just a tad bit, is that wrong?], and if Aaron saw me checking Cliff out, oh jeez. But seriously, how do I quit with these thoughts? Are they wrong? Annnnything would be of help. Thanks so much for your time!

  3. A couple months ago, my boyfriend and I were fooling around and decided that we were going to have sex. I don't know why, but his penis wouldn't go in, it's as if something was stopping it. It went in barely an inch. I was wondering if this is normal for a first timer, I haven't heard/read anything about it. And we've actually tried about 4 different times, but each time, the same thing happens. His penis is about 5 1/2 inches and I'm not sure how thick it is, but it's a good size [in case that has anything to do with it]. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  4. Thanks you guys, I feel sooo much better!

    The only reason that I got kinda weird about him not looking at other girls is that he knows I won't mind, and knows that I OCCASIONALY look at other guys (he says he doesn't care, he understands and it isn't a big deal). I asked him why he doesn't look at other girls and he said "I dunno, it's just me."

    Right after I posted all that, I thought about how into cars he is. I mean, he's REALLY into cars. And I haven't known a gay guy that is that infatuated with them. Or maybe I'm just being stereotypical, I don't know. So yeah, thanks again!



  5. I have never been more confused in my entire life. Alright, I'm 16 years old and my boyfriend is 18. We met 9 months ago. He saw me in the cafeteria at school and thought I was beautiful, he didn't know my name or anything but he would skip his class to be in my lunch hour just to see me [yet he didn't say anything to me ever, he's so shy! And I had no idea my soulmate was right there in the cafeteria watching me!]. I was talking to my friend online one night and she said "My friend likes you". I got his screename and started talking to him and we automatically clicked. We talked for hours upon hours, night after night and I can honestly say, he is the best thing that's ever happened to me. He told me about a month later that he'd fallen in love with me and I couldn't be more excited because I'd recently realized that I was in love with him, too. We are planning on marrying and ALWAYS talk about the future and how we can't wait to finally be on our own. Alriiiiiiiight I'll get to my actual problem...

    Recently I've grown more and more suspicious that he might be gay.

    -He doesn't look at other girls besides me, although he knows that I won't mind because he loves only me, but I also know I'm not the only pretty girl. He says he doesn't because after he met me, he stopped judging other girls.

    -He told me tonight that his brother and him never really looked at naked /almost naked women in magazines, they were more "grounded" (What that has to do with looking at women is beyond me.). He said he was disappointed in my answer, which was "why?" (that was before he said they were 'grounded').

    - He still doesn't look at the (really nice looking) women when he reads Maxim or FHM. At least not when I'm around.

    - He told me once that he just likes clothes, they're 'fun'. (He is a good dresser, not meticulous about colors and textures going together or anything, just makes sure he matches).

    -He doesn't mind the least bit going clothes-shopping with me.

    - He isn't really afraid to cry in front of me.

    - Although we are VERY sexual (We haven't actually had sex yet, because we don't want to deal with possible repercussions), I feel like sometimes he only fingers me as if he feels obligated to (because I often go down on him). He doesn't go down on me though, I'm not sure why. I'm ok with it though I guess, but it'd be nice sometimes. When I made mention to him once that I feel like he feels like he's obligated to and doesn't really enjoy fingering me, he said that if he didn't enjoy it, he wouldn't do as good a job as he tries to (he does a great job).

    - Within the first month we met, we started talking about hair, and I made mention that he was the only guy I've ever actually been able to talk to about hair, and I'm pretty sure he took it as me implying that he was gay. I actually asked him if he was, and he said, " I can't believe you're actually asking me that!". He never did say that he wasn't. He just said "Think what you want".

    - He got offended one time when he slipped on one of my shoes and I said "You like wearing girl shoes?" (only joking).

    - He doesn't think it's all that funny when a guy jokes around like he's gay (my brother-in-law does). But maybe he just doesn't find it funny.

    The only things I can think of that justify most of those things is:

    - He said that he can show his emotions easily in front of me because he's European (he was born in Britain). "Europeans are more cultured".

    - He may get offended about anybody implying that he's gay because a few years after he moved to America, he still had a slight accent and people mistook it as him sounding "gay", so he got called gay and a faggot and whatnot.

    - Like I said before, we are VERY sexual.And he always tells me that I am so hot, beautiful, cute, etc. Sometimes in magazines he'll point out underwear and such that he thinks would be really hot on me. He thinks my boobs and my legs and everything are 'perfect'.(My GOD I swear he is so fascinated by my boobs, he loves them). Sometimes while I'm giving him a handjob or something, he tells me that he wishes that he could *edited by moderator* me right then. And him and I both always point out where it would be so much fun to have sex at, and how bad we want to sometimes.

    I think those things cover most of why I think those suspicions can be justified, but I really need more peoples' opinions. If worst comes to worst, I'll bring it up to him, but he does get offended easily and God I do NOT want to start an argument. It's really starting to affect my mood lately, it's all I can think about, and when he asks what's wrong, I can't just be like "I've been wondering if you're gay."

    I really just don't want this to end up as another Will & Grace. I get afraid that maybe he is gay and is denying it to himself or just doesn't realize it.

    I'm sorry that this is soooo long, but it's tearing me apart and I need help. I'd appreciate ANYTHING! Thanks for your time!

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