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  1. My boyfriend of 2 plus years broke up with me , he was going to be doing alot of traveling for work and would have no time for our relationship, he also lived 50 miles away from me. I was and am still devastated. He called me a few days after break up to see how i was doing , said he missed me but didn't know where he was going with his career and other things. We talked once after that, then Valentines day comes and he sends roses with a note saying thinking of you always, needless to say i was very confused, I called him next day asking him to call me, he didn't, sent an e mail sayng he was travelling and swamped, his b-day came and I sent him a very simple card just wishing him a Happy B-Day, again an e mail telling me he was travelling and would talk to me soon. I guess I'm just looking for answers that no one has the answers, it's almost like he wants to keep the door open but can't and won't committ to anything. This has been the worst experience for me, having a real hard time, its been 7 weeks since the breakup and i'm a mess. I know I need to let go of this but can't seem to get there yet, I miss him. If anyone has any advice or thoughts, would love to hear
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