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  1. Okay, here's the deal. I saw this stunnyling beautiful girl at a party with some friends, and found out she was my neighbor. (I'm 17 and in highschool, and she is 16 and goes to a different highschool) We talked a little bit and I found out that she was actually a cool person underneath the exterior, and she gave me her phone number, but that was about it. My question is... how should I get to know her now? Should I call her and be like "So when are we going to go for a walk and get to know each other?" Or should I talk to some of her friends at my school about meeting up with her in a group setting again... or what do you think is the best approach. I wanna be careful about this and not blow it... because a beautiful girl nieghbor is bassically a fantasy right out of a movie, and it would be amazing to date her. Any help would be awesome! thanks OH and also.... what should I do to distinguish myself from the God knows how many other guys that are after her? Thanks again.
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