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Everything posted by moi

  1. Sure I like him. I don't like that he is not showing up at all. He should have come and ask me what I have done that weekend, in a casual way, if that is the problem. That's why I wondered if other guys too would have reacted that way.
  2. Thanks a lot for the responses..... That was the story from his point of view, sorry! but had to know if any guys would think that this is reason enough to not pursue someone any more. I am the girl here and it goes like his: (sorry again) I was flirting with this guy for some time. He would leave me home and such (we are living in the same street so he can see if I am at home or not when he returns home) and we have been once to dinner. He did not invite me on Valentine's day. I went sleeping very early Saturday and Sunday so it must have appeared I am not at home. I wasn't going to that place Sundays for some time now but he does not know, as he was not coming on Sundays for a while too (I know from a friend that he came). Met his friend 2 days later and asked him where he is. He suddenly started not showing up. Does he think I am dating someone else? He withdraws like that whenever I look a bit less interested (am never doing it intentionally but am pretty sensitive too). I don't want to call him as he has not invited me on Valentine's and is not showing up for over a week now.
  3. What would be your impression: The girl you are flirting with is not at home on Valentines evening, she is not showing up where she usually does Sunday and Sunday evening isn't at home again. You have not invited her to any place on Valentines though. 2 days later this girl mets a friend of you and asks him about where you have been in the past few days. Any sincere and straight answer please, what do you think when you read this. Thanks!
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