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Posts posted by kz91

  1. I'm literally done, completely and absolutely done with you. I've had enough. Last year was the worst year of my life, because of you, you broke my heart.


    Last year, in December I promised myself that this year was a new start for me, I was gonna cut out all the bullsh1t but then you came back and I broke my promise. When you came back, I just wanted everything how it used to be because I missed you. All I wanted was for you to be happy, didn't matter how I felt.


    I told you I missed you and I got no reply. I'm done trying to be in your life, I shouldn't have to fight for a place. If you want me in your life, you know where I am otherwise I'm not bothered. I'm not making an effort when you clearly don't give a sh1t. I'm done with all that, I had enough last year.


    Believe me, I still miss you and I wanna text you but I can't anymore. I can't let what happened, happen all over to me again.


    I've gotta do this, for myself.


    As for you, you haven't changed. You're still making promises you can't keep..

  2. I told you I miss you and I got my answer by you not texting me back, I'm not surprised to be honest.


    You're still the same person who broke my heart, you haven't changed. You're a coward, that will never change and I was wrong to think that maybe you would change.


    You're the one who cut me out of your life and then came back to me after a year, you're the one who said we can be friends. YOU came back, not me, because I didn't go anywhere. After coming back into my life, all you've done is mess with my head and I'm done it and I'm done with you.


    It's not fair that I miss you and I still cry because of you when you couldn't give a toss, I'm gonna not bother you again and not text you.


    Let's be realistic, I know that I'll always be second best. Things with me and you will never go back to how they used to be, I wouldn't even be able to look at you.


    You're a horrible person and all I've done is be there for you. Thanks for nothing..

  3. It's midnight and I can't sleep, instead of texting you I'm gonna write something which I can't say to you, for different reasons.


    First of all, I just want you to know that I miss you. I miss you every second, of every hour, every day. Sometimes it hurts.


    Secondly, we haven't text in almost a month. The phone works both ways, but I hope everything is okay. I want you to know that I want to text you so much, but I can't. Because I know I'll get attached all over again and I can't let that happen, I can't go through that again. But I really want to talk to you.


    Third, I really do hope you're happy. I hope he makes you happy and he never makes you cry because I hate it when you cry it makes your eyes go all puffy but you still look beautiful.


    But most of all, I hope he never breaks your heart. And finally, if you think he's the one, don't ever let him go like you let me go.

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