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Posts posted by JD5589

  1. hey smileinyoursleep, you know it's alright to stand up to your parents and tell em where to stick it on occasion. right now, they dont believe you'll be safe with ya male friends and as they dont let you go, its gonna be hard to prove em wrong. So go anyway, show them that you are safe.


    Used to be in a similar situation, going to gigs with my mates. parents threw a tantrum everytime. so walk out next time and do what you wanna do. You need to show yourself capable of making your own decisions.

  2. ok, iv'e liked this girl for months now and we're finally getting closer to the point of not being 'just friends'. This is great but my problem is when im not around her all i do is think about is being around her and its hard to concentrate on anything. This is sometimes an awesome feeling except it is killing my appetite, my training times have gone down the toilet, and any gym workouts seems like im off with an injury. The advice ive been given is to just concentrate on your hobbies and interests, but as said above thats not working, does anyone have any advice on how to take my mind off her as im counting the hours till i can be with her and ive got competitionos coming up that are important to me.

  3. why do people always give the advice 'be yourself' when talking with chicks, and then go on to say how certain qualities are more attractive than others. I mean, most people will say flrting/being funny/smiling alot is attractive. But generally im a darker guy, pretty serious, into black metal, and if im myself chicks tend to think im violent or something, however if i try and change to be something im not, i get a very different reaction. So how is the advice 'be yourself' helpful, when often being yourself is the problem?


    The arguments i have seen in favor besically say that a girl will see through it, or find out later if you aren't being who you really are, but it is very difficult when you are genuine you get no where and when you change to meet what others find attractive you get somewhere.


    any opinions on this?

  4. Ive had a major crush on this chick in my english class for a while and we sit and talk there, but outside of class we both belong to very different groups and i was wondering how to approach her outside of class. The problem is me and one of the guys she hangs around dont get along cause of a fight last year and i dont really like any of her other friends. This makes it very hard to get time outside of class to talk. I know the usual suggestions are like meet at sport or hobby or something, but i do athletics, she does tennis and hobbies wise pretty different. any suggestions?

  5. Theres a girl at school who i'm really close friends with and she's really depressed because she wants a guy in her life. i'm not interested in her in that way but i was wondering if there was anything i could do or say to make her feel better. I hate to see her down and really need some advice on how to help her out in this situation. btw, shes 15 in high school

  6. My school turns co-ed in yr 10 and as such, alot of new girls have arrived. i've been at an all boy school for last 5 yrs and have no idea what do do/act around girls.....

    Theres this girl in my science/math class who i really enjoy being around but the only way i seem to be able to talk to her is on MSN, just have too much trouble in real life . I've known her pretty well for a couple of weeks now and i just need a way of showing that i'm interested, any advice would be great, thnx

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