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  1. I just don't know what to do... I have met someone about a year ago and after being together for about 2 months, he had to go away. We have been in a long distance relationships ever since, seeing each other every 2-3 months. I have to say that I am absolutely in love with him. He excites me, is wonderful and loving towards me, and shares many of the same passions that I have. But we have a big problem: communication. Especially on the phone, conversation dies so quickly! Even when I am hopeful and excited when we first call, I become frustrated and unable to cheer myself up after a while. I get bored from our conversation. I find the things he brings up uninteresting and feel that the things that I bring up don't get a good response from him. Things don't turn into a conversation, they stay at the level of statement and one line reaction. I don't think it is completely his fault at all, my frustration must be adding to the problem a lot. But why is it that we can't find things to talk about? How can we get over long silences on the phone? And most importantly, can someone really be good for you if your conversations aren't that great?
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