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Posts posted by shoobs

  1. hi....it's been a long time since my last post and alot has happened!!


    For all you would want to know if things worked out or not.......they didnt...but i've never been happier!! It took me about 3-4 months to get over her but their is no substitute to going out and finding other people.


    For all you out there who think that "i'll never get over her/him", "she/he was perfect for me" etc. TRUST me you'll get over it and it'll make you a stronger person for it. i dont think anyone could have loved a friend more than i did and even though i still see her now (every day) i can talk to her without feeling anything at all. the secret is to slowly spend more and more time with new people.......your friend will appreciate you more for it and you'll find people to take your mind of him/her.


    I've fallen in love again but my present girlfriend is leaving to go home for good (different country) and even though we'll break up very soon, i'm concentrating on enjoying time with her while she's here. A year ago i probably would have slit my wrists.


    so...to summarise...there are plenty of people as good, if not better than, what you may have at the moment. You just need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and go out and enjoy it!! i did it and i couldnt ask for more.


    if anyone needs any help then by all means send me a msg!!


    take care

  2. The only way you can help yourself is by not acting like a victim......."hanging in there" amounts to bieng a victim. why cant you have fun too?? You'll find someone else, and maybe she'll turn out to be better??


    Maybe the sight of you treating another girl with love and affection will bring home to her what shes missing.

  3. Sorry man...i think you have entered the "friends zone". What she said is purely out of friendship

    if you still want to ask her out then DO NOT do it by text. it would be better face to face as you can answer any questions and analyze those priceless reactions. whatever you do do not make it too heavy and mushy look at my posts and you'll see how much our situations match.



  4. well said man!! one question, what if you just want to ask them out but ot get laid straight-away?? like, if they are your friend or something? you can read my posts to get a back-ground. I know...my story is pretty pathetic but this is not the chick i'm talking about, its another one.

  5. thanks guys.....i asked a mutual friend for advice and she said the same thing. She'll never come round to asking me out cos she's really stuborn and wil never asmit she was wrong. One thing still bugs me though....when she was going out with her previous boyfriend, she said that i should have asked her out earlier. meaning that i did have a chance but f-ed it up????? girls are weird!!


    keep replying though..i guess it'll help other people

  6. wow!! you must have read my last post and my situation is explained there. Since then (yesterday) i sent her an sms asking how she was doing.

    she said that she has split from her boyfriend because "it wasn't working out". i said that i was sorry and she says that "i'm quite relieved it's over because it had been hanging over me for a while". I stupidly told her that i'm still interested and if she wanted to make anything of it then she should tell me...she replied that "this is not a good time...no, sorry. i don't think i could".


    does this mean that i caught her on the rebound cos i think that they split this week?


    and when should i ask her again (third time) if ever?


    i'm scared she'll find someone else because she is really pretty and i always ask girls just when they meet a new guy!!!

  7. well....thanks to everyone who has replied. there is no right or wrong and i did tell you it was a complex situation!!


    i forgot to tell you that the girl is really shy and kinda blushes everytime we bring the subject up.


    she also said once that she is "happy that her boyfriend is as crazy as her, otherwise it wouldn't work". what would she mean by that? ad is thie relationship as strong as it seems?


    thanks to all the guys that replied!!


    i'll keep you all posted

  8. hi,


    i was in the same situation as you and i think that you have little chance with her. (sorry). If she has already said no then you would risking alot in pursuing her. I think the best thing for you to do now is to cherish the friendship that you have and maye, jus maybe in the future, who knows!


    hope it help, sorry to be so negative.

  9. i'm 19 years old and i've know this girl for about a year. she's 20 and in the same course in university. we are really good friends and for about 10 months i saw her just as a friend. there was no physical attraction at first but recently i started looking at her in a different light and her personality meant that i started to harbour a crush on her. I thought that it would pass but because i still felt for her i asked her out about a month ago.

    She said "no" and told me that another friend (who i know as well) had asked her out 2 weeks before me. She said that if i had asked her earlier then she wuld ahve said, yes. However, she also said that she had never seen me in that way.

    When i talked to the guy, he said that he knew i had feelings for her and asked her out regardless.

    The thing is that i just cant get over her and every day i see her. i don't want to keep reminding her and she doesn't like me to bring the subject up but i feel that if i don't tell her then she wont know how much i love her. I still think i have a chance with her and would like to know your opinions on this. This situation is way too complex for me to solve on my own!





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