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  1. thankyou for your advise but, this man had me like a princess for 2 and half years, we did everything together and hardly argued that is why when we broke up it was a shock to everyone...... everyone thought we were perfect together and he did tell me to get on with my life and be happy but i cant let go of him beacuse i feel he was scared it was getting to serious.... my question was do you think that the no contact rule is to late... please some one give me some advise
  2. hi every one this is my first time , well i was with my ex for 2,5 years and living together since day 1 it was one of thoughts mad loves...... well then he lost his job , we lost apartment ,he said he needed time apart and that i should go back to my home country cyprus, this broke my heart and the pain i went through was unbearable i felt like i lost my world.....he is 24 i am 23...... but when we broke up he was acting like we were still together and would not tell anyone.... he said he wasnt proud of what he was doing..... but sometimes he was very horrible to me he was giving me mixed feelings all the time and it was hard because we were living at his mothers at this point.... well i left for cyprus and we went to a hotel the night befor and had a lovly night he said he would come see me in cyprus...... which he did 2 months later ...... but i must tell you from when i arrived back home i called him everyday beggeing and crying everyday for 9 months, but two months after he came to cyprus i tryed to go back to england and got deported , we were still broken up dont forget and when i called him to tell him he was devistated and told me that no one would come between us and to be strong....... then 3 months later i paid for a holiday to amsterdam for 4 days ... i paid for him to and he came we had a lovely time he was so sweet but the last night told me he wasnt ready and maybe in the futur we may meet again and that if were ment to be we will be ... i have always called him everyday and i have started the no contact rule 2 weeks ago , but i just want to know have i ruind my chances because i believe he never thought he would loose me because i was always calling. do you think it will hit him..... i never made him realise that he might loose me....... another thing is his friends have told me on the phone that he has said to them that if he ever will settle down or get married it will be to me...... but he never tells me anything....... PLEASE help me i have been so depressed i cant stop thinking about him. THERE ARE NO THIRD PARTIES INVOLVED
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