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Posts posted by Ammieg

  1. It would be day 3 today, but he text me twice and I responded twice. He was confused about my lack of contact over the last week. He was really nice and understanding for once, which makes this so much harder. Have to keep reminding myself he was insulting me last week.


    Anyway I'm going to do this. i guess I'm back to day 0 again. 30 days seems impossible right now.

  2. I can relate! Cheering you on....


    Aww thanks IThinkICan! That's very sweet of you. This thread is a really good idea, its really helping seeing other people in the same situation.


    Day 2 today. I saw him at work, managed to ignore him. Despite seeing him, I feel pretty OK today, a bit happier than yesterday anyway.

  3. Day 1.


    I really, really, don't want to do this. But I feel I have no choice. We've broken up and got together twice, and now we're in a non-committal friendship. He's made it very clear that he doesn't want any commitment, just friends with benefits, I have strong feelings for him, so its a deal breaker. I've just been plodding along feeling really miserable for the last 2 weeks, talking to him, accepting his phonecalls and texts, knowing we're not really dating properly. Today I decided to just stop replying to his texts and taking his phonecalls.


    I'm feeling very sad and down, but I've been feeling like that for weeks so there's no change. I'm doing this for me.

  4. Was any of it real? Was anything you did and say true? I don't understand. After a month of being apart I still don't understand. How can someone go from being madly head over heals in love with me, going to the ends of the earth for me to using me for sex? Everything you first said to me feels like a lie. I can't believe I ever trusted you. What went wrong? What did I do? I don't understand. I don't think I ever will.

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