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Everything posted by Funrill

  1. The first reflexe I had, was like everyone does in this case, quote " I'm too ugly for her, she deserves the moon and not just a dry meteorite " and we think about that all the time during the first dating hours....
  2. The first time I saw her I was totally lost, I'm not a shy guy but at that moment I didn't quite know what to say. She was too beauty, when I talked her the day before at phone she said she was an average girl, She lied.
  3. Special One Ofcourse it's not just a question of learning, I'm not a monster, it's clear I'd like fall in love and in the same time improve my english, I'll be over motivated or we can just stay friend and never exceed the red line !!!
  4. Hi, I'm Funrill from France, I wanna improve my english and think the best way is to date a americain girl !!! I've planned to go in america but I don't quite know where, so girls help me to choose. Funrill
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