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Everything posted by thethird

  1. I am a guy in my first year at a very small college (actually grad school) right now. Anyway, I met this girl on the first day and fell head over frickin' heels for her. We hung out all the time, and developed a good friendship. I told her how I felt, and she told me to give it some time. We did, and then one night I asked her if she was ready to start a relationship. She said she was and we had a nice evening, but I may have been a little too giddy about the whole thing (saying corny stuff like "I've been waiting for this moment since I first met you" and "this is so wonderful"). The next week, she became unbelievably frigid. She avoided me on campus, and started screening her calls. I asked her what was going on, she said "I just don't know if this is what I want right now." I got a little upset, no insults or attacks were made. Later I asked her if everything had been ruined (I felt that it had). She said no it hasn't been ruined, but still hasn't said a word to me since then. Now, I understand the concepts of giving a woman her space, and playing it cool to become more desirable. I'm just afraid that if I hold on to any of the feelings I am having, I will just get hurt again. I'm also afraid that if I give her too much space, someone else will slide right in (no pun intended). Anyway, could someone please tell me to forget this one, or hope that giving her space will wake her sorry ass up?
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