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Mr Nice Guy

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  1. First off I want to thank everyone who replied to my posting. Your words have been truly inspirational and helpful. I just found out today that she has fallen in love with her rebound guy! I followed everyones advice and pretty much broke off contact with her, but then a mutual friend told me that she has completely fallen for this guy who was there for her rebound. My first feeling was anger, but then I became very worried that this guy is going to use her then brake her heart. I know after what she did to me I shouldn't care, but I can't help it. I wan't to call her so bad to warn her, but don't want to ruin all the progress I have made. I just feel so helpless. At the same time I feel kind of worthless. I think to myself, 'If it was so easy for her to fall in love with the fist guy that came along, what does that say for me.' Did she ever REALLY love me like I loved her. I feel like I wasn't even important to her. What should I do to get through this??? Truly, thanks in advance for any replies or messages. Mr Nice Guy
  2. Hello Everyone, I just need to know what I did wrong! My girlfriend of five years just recently broke up with me. I've always thought of her as the 'one' until one day, out of the blue, she feel out of love with me. I have not been able to find closure because I haven't been able to figure out what went wrong. I always sent her flowers, gave her kisses, wrote her love letters, told her how much I loved her. I general, I have always treated her like a princess. She is a cheerleader at a University, and sometimes that would bother me and make me a little jelous, but I never let her know that because that had always been her dream and I would never get in the way of that. However, after a while she became more and more consumed by it. She always put me and our time together on the back burner. But through it all I remained supportive and always told her how proud of her I was. After we split up about a month ago I tried to spend time with my friends and even went out on a few dates. After a couple of weeks I felt like I was going to be ok; I was smiling again, which was a huge accomplishment! And then today happened! I went over to her house to pick up some of my things, and the moment I saw her I feel in love with her all over again, but I realize that it can never go anywhere. So I was hoping for some advice on how to get over someone that you still whole-heartedly love. Should I break off all contact with her. Should I date? Thanks in advance, Mr Nice Guy P.S. If there are any Ms. Nice Girls out there please don't hesitate to IM me! You just might be the TRUE love of my life!
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