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Everything posted by needinghelpbadly

  1. Ok this is the situation. I was with a woman for over 4 years. I love her very much and she loved me. I screwed up thinking I was doing the right thing. I lied to her but it was because it was a surprise for her. I have lied to her twice in the past and paid for it. But this time I was just trying to protect my secret. I know there were many things I could have said but on the spot I panicked. This was just after she told me she wanted truth and honesty.. I feel there are more reasons than just the lying for why we are apart. Now we are still good friends and talk at least once a day and hang out quite a bit. We have also discussed friends with benifits. I love her so much. We have been brolen up for 3 months now. I can't stop thinking about her every night. She is all I ever think about. I think deep down she has feelings for me still but she doesn't want to show them...so my question is what can I do to win her love back? I told her I was going to change the way I was because I haven't been the best person in the past...no physical abuse or anything but job related irresponsible and unreliable. She can see the changes that I am making so she knows I mean it. She says she just isn't interested in a relationship right now which I understand. She was hurt and I feel terrible for it and she knows this. She has forgiven me since but I need her more than anything in this world. Whenever we hang out together, I just want to hold her in my arms or hold her hand or cuddle with her. I am not looking to get her into b ed, I just want to embrace her because it feels so good when she is in my arms. I need some serious help and advice...How can I win her back? I thank everyone who takes the time to read and respnd to this.....I hope someone can help me!!I am so miseable without her.
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