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Posts posted by LilLovelyLisa11

  1. I really cant understand why she just decided to leave u. It sounds like a guy like you is hard to find. I think that maybe because u did so much for her, that she took u for granted. I think that maybe u should act the same way towards her that she is towards u. If she acts like she doesnt even care, u pretend like u dont care. Cut the conversations short and pretend like u have better things to do. Basically play hard to get. Being a girl, I know how we think. Guys always complain that girls always go after the jerks and never the nice guys. Well it's because with the nice guys, they know they can have whatever they want and do whatever they want and no matter what, the nice guy will always be nice, and run back to them. Ever notice how the jerk likes to play hard to get?!?! Well girls like that. Well maybe we don't really like that, but I know it always keeps us coming. She will probably realize what she had now that its gone. And another thing u can do just to make yourself feel better and not be thinking about her all the time, make sure u keep yourself occupied. Go out with friends and have fun. And always remember, u should always do what makes u happy!!!

  2. Hi Korey. I think that you need a new girlfriend. If you feel like you are lying to her when you tell here you love her, then you probably don't. She has a definite insecuity problem. You are allowed to see, talk, hang out, and do whatever with anyone you want. She sounds like she doesn't trust you and whats a relationship without trust? You are only 14. You are young and shouldn't be tied down. Go explore your options. You know what?!?! If you ever wanna chat, my email address is email removed. I've been through it all. I've been lied to, cheated on, broken up with. I can't say that I'm the best advice giver, but I can say I'll try. Hope I helped u out a little here. Toodles kiddo!! And remember, you should always do what makes YOU happy!!

  3. Hi my name is Lisa and I am 19 years old. I have a problem and I've searched everywhere for answers but I've come to think that I will feel this way for the rest of my life. Well I had this boyfriend and it was pretty serious. We were together for almost 2 years and have been broken up for almost 7 months, and I'm still not over it! He broke up with me and I thought that we were going to get back together until I found out that he had cheated on me with a few girls. That was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to go through in my life. Then I started reaching the point where I knew I would be ok without him. Then he started dating my best friend(we are no longer friends) and I feel like I'm going through the pain all over again. The worst part is that we all work together and I have to see them together. Everyone tells me hes a jerk and I can do better and they are right. I know he's a jerk and I know I can do better. So what's my problem?? Will this pain ever go away??

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