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Posts posted by tenshi_angel

  1. "I guess what I wanted to tell you guys is to DO RIGHT NOW WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO DO BUT WHERE AFRAID TO TRY. DO IT NOW. RIGHT NOW. You never know what tomorrow might bring.


    Go tell that girl you like her.

    Tell your wife you love her.

    Tell your family you miss them.

    Give your dad a hug.

    Tell your boss he did a good job.

    show your wife you appreciate her.

    Go ask that crush on a date.

    Go take a new class....

    try a new career..... "



    EXCELLENT ADVICE! i will do so asap!! great story you got there!!! AMAZING!!!



  2. Hey

    i see what your probelm is...maybe you should kinda back off from her? Let her have her space when ever she has a problem(sadness, etc) don't get to close to her..but be there for her. Don't show her a weak point..she is vonerable(spelling) in these types of suations(spelling she might just use that weak piont for her own personal use..to make HER feel better.


    ...i don't know if this makes since..



    p.s. i hope i helped.

  3. hey everyone..

    something right now is really bugging me. I'm dating this guy...we had sex today...we did it before..but my point is after we had sex...about an hour later...he turns to me and says...we shouldn't do this anymore. And i kinda thought i did something wrong...maybe its where we almost got cought have no idea...or maybe he is trying to tell me something?

    does anyone have any advice for me..?




    mood..: down and out

  4. hmm....i was kinda in the same boat there.

    but i didn't let my mommy stop me. You see my mom found out me and this guy had sex. She was kinda not towards us getting back together. But now shes use to the idea. i guess people just have to get use to stuff. My mom did. I know our parents are different and we arn't alike but i just thought i would share me postion. Maybe it helped? I have no idea...but yea the age thing is going to be a bit a problem maybe. But you said your brother and him where trouble makers. So does that mean your parents know him well? maybe that might help to some extent.



    p.s....i hope i helped..maybe i'm just rambling on

  5. Hello there Clueless788,

    We all don't know everything so like me i'm mostly clueless about this stuff as well lol but i do know answers to your questions!

    what is an uncircumsised penis? what is "forsekin"

    A uncircumsised penis has the forsekin still there and the forsekin is just simply some skin that is over the head of the penis. It can be shoved down..so you may see the head or pull up to cover it and give it protection.


    I hope i have helped some i know some info on this topic!




  6. Okie okie i need me some tips.

    and some new stuff/meteral lol i feel funny writting this but i read some comments made on others they seem pretty dead ON! SO here i go...

    He and this guy where going out a while back, he broke up with me...and now we are dating for the first time in my life. We had sex a few times while we where going out before...and i think it might be getting boring for him

    i just need some little tips on how to make our relationship better and stronger so i can show him the wild girl/women i wanna be lol . I would like any kinda of tips...kinky he likes the idea of that...but i have no friggen idea on what i should do under that topic. He likes bondage. We talked about this kinda stuff...but now all i needs is some ideas to get me started!

    I beg you please please!

    someone please help me!

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