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Posts posted by Lyricleplayapro

  1. hey... yea girls can send confusing mixed signals. my advice go easy on the compliments, it sounds like she was usin you for a self esteem boost. and now shes gettin kinda bored with it. i think its like she knos she has your affection now. people always want what they dont have, she feels she has you and now and the excitment is gone. another thing, girls dont refer to guys they like as "sweet" or "nice"definatly not "lil". so i think make yourself scarce, like your always busy, go out with a few other girls make sure she knows it, maybe if she feels like she lost you she would want to get you back... i ono she has a bf too so... good luck man!

  2. Hi, i have always been confident around girls. Ive had several girlfriends before and they were all great. but.... now ive met this one girl, shes amazing. I know all the rules about dating, not to be needy, act confident, be cocky, use humor. But its like all of it gets erased when i talk to this girl. she makes me hesitate. I dont want to come off as a wussy but i think thats whats happening. somebody plz help me, or remind me of something to say that prbly forgot!

  3. i dont know if you can do this.... but if i were in a similar possision i would cut class for a day and show up at her door and say if im not goin to see you tmr (which would be val day) i came to give you these. flowers chocolates ect. valentines day is and important day i think. i can remember all the times i seen sad girls on that day in my school because they didnt get nething on this very day. yur girl deserves it. good luck man sry if its cheesy aha.

  4. i am going to tattoo her name on my biscep and say look baby this is how much i love you and flex my masqulinity! lol j/k

    ima do the classic flowers and chocolate for my girlfriend. tell her i love her and happy valentines day well probably eat out and then watch the dawsons creek dvd i bought for her for our 2 month since thats what she wanted. I dont really know how i can make this one a special one for her im lookin for ideas if anyone wants to help me out.

  5. If it were me, I would man up dude. Have confidence, tomarrow is thursday if you havnt ask yet do it then. Dress nice smell good. Shes with her friends.. who cares walk up to all of them and be like "is anyone going to the dance tmr" full of energy and confidence and pop your question no one can say no to you! and if she does say no go to the dance anyways and just have fun with all the girls 8).

    This right here is the is the best way to go, once you get yur confidence in momentum its hard to stop.


    Another way is work the friend network, tell one of her friends that you think your going to ask so and so to the dance and that shes very cute and if you think shell say yes her friend will say maybe or somthing like that. then of course the girl will relay the message to all the other girls, giggles will be shared blushing will occur. then when you see your girl again you can take so and so aside from her friends and pop the question. shell know whats coming so it wont be weirded out by you taking her away from her friends. GOOD LUCK MAN!

  6. ok hey everyone these place has been really helpful to me thanx to everyone that replies!


    I met this super cute girl that i really like about 2 weeks ago. and now i want to get her a present thats really romatic and sweet kinda thing. I have a few ideas but not really what im looking for. i want to avoid jewlry since i just met this girl but i want her to know that i really care about her.

    Can someone please give me a good i dea on what to do? Any gifts people have givin to g/fs that were really good in the past? Any girls know what would be really great to get from a guy for xmas? Any help would be great thanks again!

  7. OK thanks for all the advice on my last post. I got the girl to go out with me, now could someone give me a good thing to do on a first date? Its kinda raining here, and i wanted to take her somewhere fun that would seem different and unqiue. I was thinkin the ice rinq... should i do this on a first date? is it too much? do girls even like different unique things? anything else seems like a better thing to do? thanks for any help... sorry bout all the questions in one post...

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