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Posts posted by roguey

  1. Me and my ex-gf broke up a couple of weeks ago, it was baiscally amicable - things changing with our lives and such, so there wasn't much of a problem between us.


    Anyway, she has asked me to go down and see her at university, and I am unsure with what to do. When we have spoken on the phone, she tells me she misses me, suggesting sleeping in the same bed, tells me how she never gets bored with me, how she doesn't want me to get with anyone else etc etc


    I don't quite know what to think - what is it she wants? And do you think it a good idea to go and see her or not?

  2. Hi,


    I've been with this girl for quite a while, and we've been friends for years prior to anything happening - eventually we got together. I recently spent a month with her in another country where we essettnailly lived together - and we had a fantastic time and we got even closer to each other than we were before, and both of us felt that.


    She is heading off to university come october and i'm starting my gap year - the relationship was already long distance but we saw each other regulary that it wasn't a problem. We had both always known it may end come university with some many new experiences, people and such - and I understand all of that.


    She is working in China for a the next month and not back till the end of AUgust and we may only see each other a week or so in the september before uni - we were talking today and I expressed my feelings that I didnt want to split up for uni and basically was told how she wanted new experiences and didnt want to hurt me - I assumed this was new sexual experiences and such but she said that she wants to have other relationships. This makes me feel like i'm not good enough, and if thats the way she feels is it even worth carrying the relationship on until she goes on to university?


    She also keeps saying that if were meant to be, then we may still end up together which, as far as I see, seems to just be a load of crap in her attempt to make me feel a bit better. She also says she still wants the sexual side of the relationship and we'll still be best friends - yet, if she wants this why does she want to have other relationships?


    I'm worried also that herdesire for sexual relationship after we split up is bad - I mean something that was intimate and loving can't be like that anymore it just becomes purely for lust how can I do that? My head says I should end everything, but other parts say I shouldn't, as i'm sure people can understand.


    I'm really confused as what I should do now, i feel a bit overwhealmed with everything thats happened. Any help?

  3. Hey,


    I met this girl from 'faceparty', and have chatted very casually (maybe 10 e-mails between us in about 2-3 weeks). Anyway, she just asked me if I wanted to come out 2moro for a nigh out (her friends will be there) saying she 'really wants to meet me'. I don't know if I should go...I might feel unconfortable with a load of people I don't know, and I also found it strange she asked me, I don't even know her! lol.


    Any advice appericated



  4. Hi,


    Ok, this girl, i've known her a while, she goes to my college and all that, anyway I always thought she was attractive so I decided I wanted to get to know her. I usually spend at least some of my free time at college with her / the group she hangs with and she always speaks to me on messenger if were both on after college


    Anyway, I have noticed a few times her smiling at me / looking at me, and while we chat over the internet she has brought up like 3-4 times the easter ball, and if I have anyone to go with (which I don't), and how she doesnt etc etc. I don't know, is she trying to hint at me to ask her?


    However, she a week or so ago said something along the lines of 'yeah im doing nothing.......' which added with the previous bits of the conversation seemed to imply...lets do something. At which she said something along the lines of 'don't read 2 much into things'. I took this as a backing off? Now i'm ever so confused.


    She seems to be laughing/smiling etc when i'm around and has said she thinks i'm funny also, and we have dicussed like relationships and things.

    Anyway, is she interested or just causally being flirty?


    Last of all, I have her mob #, she doesn't know I have it as I got it from a friend ages ago because I needed some help with work but never rang it. I'm going out 2moro, thought maybe I should ask if she wants to come with me town etc etc...does it matter that she didnt give me her number?



  5. I was in a cafe place with my mum today getting something to eat, the girl who was serving us (very attractive!) kinda stopped after taking the order and asked if I go to 'RGS' (my school) and said she was from church (one near it) gave me a smile and just said she had noticed me around.


    Now, she is in no joint societies etc that I am in, so she could have only noticed me well...i'm not sure how really lol. Mainly on the metro and stuff i guess. Was she interested or just casually making conversation? I would have thought the latter but she said 'noticed me around' which maybe she thought i was attractive or something?? So, if any girl could help out with what she was trying ton convey!


    Also, if she is interested, as i certainly am, how do I go about approaching her randomly...as she has only ever spoken to me that one time, I know i will have to find her first...but she must be somewhere I am if shes noticed me!

    I would of asked for her # today (i was still drunk hence confident heh) but my mum wouldn't go away lol.


    Any help would be appreciated!

  6. Well, I told you all I met her a week (ish) ago, it was great, we had a good time lots of coversation, flirty etc etc. She even rang me like as soon as I got back!

    So from all of this and previous things (i.e phone sex) I had some the conclusion she wanted something more between us. Anyway, i know it wasnt the best ever move but i told her how i felt on the phone.


    She basically has completely ignored what i have said and not even responded to it, well she has but all she has said (twice) is 'I don't know what to say'. Is this her trying to just gently tell me she is not interested in me for a relationship?

  7. Well, its been 2months now since i started talking to her, and i have finally met her yesterday.


    We met in London, and basically spent the day chatting and shopping, it was quite risky as i had to spend the whole 7hrs in London before my train back, and it was something we werent 'doing' anything as such.

    But it went great, the coversation wasnt silent, lots of joking and me being sarcastic to her Some flirting also, but overall it was just great!


    I just cant get her out of my head and when we were about to part, i just wanted to stay there so much! We hugged and left, she was I think at least quite sad to see the day end as she asked if we would ever see each other again.


    I still am confused, does she want a friendship or something more? We have shared alot of things about ourselves over the phone and had 'phone sex' and we talk almost every night, and now i've met her i just want to be with her so much!

    She was quite flirty when we were out and said she loved the day with me, but wished we had been somewhere 'quiet' where we could talk alone, she kinda avoided when i asked her about what - is she implying anything?


    We both travelled quite a distance for each other (her 2hrs, me 6hrs!) and she rang me the same night (about 10mins after i walked in!), is she wanting something more or is it purely friendship? I don't want to look stupid if i may have misread the situtation


    Thanks for any advice given!!!

  8. Hey there,


    Just looking for some advice as i (being a man!) am confused as ever


    I met this great girl online and have known her 2 months now we chat nearly every night on the phone and have shared intimate things with each other. Anyway, we finally arranged to meet (this friday) and recently I have noticed she is kinda not 'affectionate' on the phone and just is different with me compared to before


    I've asked her whats wrong - she says nothing

    I've asked her if she has a problem with meeting me - she says shes looking forward to it.


    Is this just nerves incase we don't 'click' when we meet or has she changed her mind about me?

    Maybe i'm just reading too much into it!


    Confused as ever,



  9. Hey,


    I met this girl on espin bottle thing, with loads of profiles and stuff. Anyway she had added me and sent me a note and she seemed to be pretty cool from her profile.


    Anyway, we started chatting over MSN and have been chatting for about month and a bit, usual things life, college etc etc.


    Recently she started telling me about how horny she is and basically we had some form of cyber sex both on MSN and over text.

    We chat on the phone quite a bit also, but we havent really dicussion anything 'sexual' over it.


    We are meeting up in december and she tells me she would love to do all the things we talk about in real life. Now i just took this as a joke at first but she says it on and off. What am I to think?


    Also, is she just using me for a bit of fun to 'get herself off' (very crude i know) ?


    I have dropped a couple of hints maybe we could cyber date but she hasnt really responded to this much, but she texts me or tells me pover the phone she wishes i was with her and that she misses me.


    I really am a bit stuck on what she wants with me, or what I should do!


    Thanks alot for any advice



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