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Posts posted by Daddaa

  1. You said it,

    she has gotten over you, she is moving on, and it moves you

    even stronger to hang on, to fight for that "love" you feel.


    Now, keep the love for the children separate from the love for her.


    Yes, you want to see the kids, and you should do your damnedest to

    give them your all, your best, and remain their Dad. No matter when

    and how, she is going to be there, all their lives, so deal with it and

    learn to separate your feelings for them and her.


    Many times we want something even MORE when we know we

    can't have it. So when you go there to see the kids, why do you

    think that she would have anything for you? Has she not shown

    that her interests are not in you anymore?? So why punish

    yourself. . . . . Why grasp for the crumbs, is that all you are worth?


    Move on, find some peace in yourself, don't look to her or

    anyone else for filling your heart and making you happy,

    I'm not saying look to anyone else, that would just cover up

    the real issue.

    Which is that you were hurt, you were rejected and abandoned

    as she has decided that you don't tickle her fancy anymore.


    SUX. we know.

    sooner you can leave the past right where it belongs, sooner

    that you will again be able to sleep, laugh, hope and dream.


    Best wishes for you,


    Now, give them kids a big HUG and to Hell with her,



  2. Hey Jenn,


    Giving your heart, your trust, your commitment is a big scary step.

    Now, you can't be hurt if you don't try, that's fer shure.


    I don't blame his feelings, he doesn't want to be fooled or hurt either.


    Liking them is one thing, enjoying them, sharing and caring,

    but you have nothing to give if you don't first know it and

    have it in yourself. Looking for peace, then live peace,

    looking for joy, then be joy,

    want to trust and be cared about,

    then start with yourself,


    Love as though you've never been hurt.



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