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Posts posted by Thorshammer

  1. You just need to throw on some hipster glasses and some Cons, you'll fit right in. (Don't throw things at me!! That mental image was kind of funny.)


    Hmmm.. I am not sure i like the hipsters, or can tolerate them enough just yet to try to fit in


    But, they brought some really cool places over here!!


    I only post a small portion of what I read here.


    Schematics, workbooks, and actual textbook-style reading... I don't count toward my overall, and don't figure most people will want to include in their pleasure reading...maybe I'm wrong! I do plenty of that, too. I take a few Coursera courses each year. Speaking of which, you might enjoy... as might others. I've been pretty pleased with them. link removed


    Current reads:


    The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

    The Four Agreements - Miguel Ruiz (re-read)

    Atlantis Rising - T.A. Barron


    Also, Goodreads is an awesome way to track your reading. And find new books that are along the lines of your interests.


    I know about coursera, i remember looking up mechanical classes. They dont have any


    I usually dont read more than one book, but i have forced myself to read more books now lately. I am actually remembering a lot more from things i have read now, maybe because i am not doing my old marathon reading of one book anymore.


    Do you get sleepier? I fall asleep by 9 sometimes.


    Oh, and i bought the simple touch nook. I read at work now too. I am going to read technical manuals, one hobby book, and maybe some book on the supernatural/powers.

  2. Reading is one of my hobbies. Or an obsession. I guess either term would apply. I read when most people would be watching TV....or sleeping.


    Current book: Fiery Heart - Richelle Mead (almost done!)


    So do i, i read so much i fall asleep by 9 because my eyes get tired. Maybe its because you read novels, i am trying to read things i need to memorize for games or mechanical stuff for work.


    I started drinking coffee again so i can hang out at the local cafes (yes, i just said that like a dweeb)... i am going to be soooo cool with my nook!

  3. I'll write about my cousin and his wife.


    My cousins wife had the grass is greener crap. My cousin was getting jealous of her going out frequently with all these single party-girls, he would fight with her about it. He himself would just stay home and play videogames. His wife says its because he didnt want to go out, so she partied, and the fight over jealousy got her to leave. I dont think so, she had the grass is greener, plus active friends who partied. Actually, its both things when I think deeper into it. He was her first sexual partner. So, they broke up after an argument about her going out, she said, "you know what, its over... i dont want to be in a relationship anymore, goodbye."


    Anyways, she went and slept with a few dudes. And she went as far as to promote clubs with her friends, so she was partying hard. She even slept with my cousins friend who he invited to his house once.


    HE went out a bit, and got with his wife's ex-roommate and friend (oooo juicy!). And he stopped playing videogames. Note he did chase for a while, I dont know for how long, but eventually he gave up hope and stopped chasing her, probably around the time he met her roommate.


    Like 7 or 8 months later christmas comes around. He sends her a text saying, "Merry Christmas". She texted him that shes feeling horrible and that hes the only one that reached out to her, that all the guys used her, and now during a holiday, she has no one. So, he takes her back and breaks up with the other girl (who he says to this day cant stop thinking about since she was sexually better).


    Now they are married. Personally, I dont think this was a good story, no matter how she wants to spin things, she was pushed to settle because she was out "there" and realized guys do sleep with you and keep you as an object. That is her reality, the one she thinks is out there in only 8 months of searching. Its not that she couldnt find better, its just that she found waaaay worse.


    They are happy together though. He doesnt play that much videogames, and she doesnt party. I do notice she has a significant edge in domination in the relationship, and I think its because my cousin knows she left, thats written in history, and he does realize she is capable of doing it again.

  4. I just read this post now. Hmm... I tried contacting even though i am the one who broke up. It's one of the hardest things to do EVER! So, so sad. I agree with Echo - that I am scared my ex will forget me or find someone new. I hope time apart is good for thinking.


    Super Dave. Your story is sad. Do you still love your ex girlfriend? Do you want to get back with her? Why do you not say anything to her? I'm worried you're hurting yourself in the long run by watching her with other men?


    If you broke up with him... you gave him the right and the power and started him directly on the path to forget you.


    You are the dumper? You reach out.

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