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Posts posted by den944guy

  1. Just be yourself around her. Don't put on a show just to impress her, but be yourself. The easiest way to do this is forget about how you shuld be acting around her, it will come natural. As far as expressing feelings and things, just be honest on how you feel. I'm sure she will give feedback.

  2. I know its hard to let go of the past but you need to move on past these thoughts. He is with you now and thats all that should matter, if you both enjoy a healthy relationship thats all you should focus on. Constantly bringing up the past will create problems in a relationship, trust me on that one. Its very hard to let go but if you start by cherishing every moment you two share and think about today and tomorrow instead of the past, I think it will put your mind at ease.



  3. Well the drinking problem won't help the situation much. I don't really think age matters unless its illegal 17yo w/ 40yo....etc..

    If he's happy then let him be happy and let him learn the hard way. I know people might disagree with this but sometimes its the only way for stubborn people to learn. Take it from a stubborn guy

  4. Thanks for the advice lightingbird. We saw each other last night and went shopping, out for dinner, just friendly. It was nice and I think it helped my impatience a bit Its like I couldn't stop staring at her the whole time, those eyes of hers are so beautiful. She kept on smiling back at me too, that old magic is still there between us. We talked alot and she told me to stop bugging her so much and apologizing..hehe not in a bad way though. Things went very well. I feel alot better today about things finally.


    But thanks for the advice everyone, it has started to pay off already.



  5. Alright this is going to be long so I will warn you first.


    I recently got divorced to my highschool sweetheart. We were together for 7 years and married for almost 3. We started out great and had no problems for the first few years. After that we stopped doing the things that we liked so much and spending less time with each other. She was diagnosed with depression at the time and was taking meds for it. I didn't understand it at all and didn't realize how it was affecting her life and mine. I always thought that she didn't want to do things with me, but recently I was diagnosed with depression and I am finally seeing and feeling what she was like back then. I think mine all stems from not wanting to talk about issues in our life and just put them on the back burner until they got out of hand and finally exploded into a fight between us. We started to grow apart and I was always working or playing games on my computer and what not. We never did anything together anymore, it all just seemed to routine to even bother. She wanted us to see a marriage counselor but I refused to go. I don't know why at the time but now I know it was because I was afraid to admit that we had a problem because it would show me as being weak. I always had a hard time letting my feelings out with her for some reason. I have no clue why. I have been seeing a therapist now for awhile and taking meds for anxiety and depression and I am starting to figure alot of things out lately. Anyways we decided to get divorced instead of trying to fix things, it was was more my decision than hers. She moved out and I ended moving back in with my parents because of money problems... We still talk alot about things and see eachother sometimes. I really miss her alot. On sept. 25th we went to court to get divorced. The whole time we were there I wanted to say something to cancel it but I didn't have the courage to open my mouth for some reason. I wish I was stronger then. Its been quite awhile since we have been together and I miss her alot. I'm not just feeling lonely but I miss everything we had now. Everything about her....her smile, eyes the way I felt when she told me "I Love You"

    I know this was the biggest mistake because she is still hurt from it and the fact that I didn't want to try. We have been talking lately and mentioning that we should give it another shot but move slowly. She told me she isn't ready to be close right now and she wants to start out as friends again. This is killing me because I am like the most impatient person in the world. She sees how I have changed and that I am more open with my feelings and like to talk about things now. She told me that she can see us getting back together in the future but she's not ready right now because she doesn't know what she wants. I don't know what to make of this, In my opinion I think she is just not ready because she lacks the trust she used to have for me and she's afraid of getting hurt again. I don't blame her but when I ask her if it's because she's afraid of getting hurt, she denies it. I mean she could be telling the truth but its still killing me. We are supposed to see each other this week which will be the start of everything over again. I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that I can't make everything right at this exact moment and that it will take time for us. Anytime I try to be sweet or talk about how much I still love her she gets mad at me and tells me she can't handle it. She wants this to work but I can't understand what she is thinking when she says that she can't handle it when I talk that way...


    just call me mr. anxiety lol


    Help please!

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