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Posts posted by Ren2003

  1. Ive been friends with this guy now for 8 months...

    Ive posted on here a few time before, about the situation.

    I dont want to end up sounding like a teenager or anything.. because Im not.. I need some input, thats all!


    Well, I went to a get together at his house 2 nights ago..

    Even though, some others were invited...I ended up being the only girl there, but he made me feel very comfortable.

    Let me add...We are both on the "outs" with our signifigant others and we both know that.


    He told me I was his guest of honor and said really sweet things about me.

    He shook my hand once and said he meant everything he said about me and toasted me. LOL


    At the end of the night...he was going to walk me out to my car..

    He took my hand then said and gave me this big hug.


    He thanked me profusely for coming and said I was "Really a pleasure" to have.

    He told me "everything happens for a reason, and we go down the right path" when we talked about our signifigant others.


    Ok.. anyone please..do you think this is a flirty sign? A sign he may like me?

    I dont know.

    I am 30 he is 25, we work in the same building but on different shifts. We became friends in a very short time after we met.

    I would love any input Thanks!

  2. Ok, Ive posted on here a couple times about my situation..

    anyway.. to make a long story short. I went to my crushes party for Halloween. Hes a guy I work with, and hes also my friend.

    I feel a very strong connection w/ him.


    hes in an on/off again relationship with his girlfriend. Its apparent that they have their problems. They fought at his party and she left.

    I brought him a bottle of wine that he likes and he thanked me and was really sweet. Like I said.. we are friends and I feel something so much more for him. He knows Ive been having problems with my boyfriend.

    Because We discuss our relationships.


    At the end of the night, he said "Well, thank you for coming" and it was a bit awkard and he put out his hand to shake it! LOL

    He didnt do this to anybody else.

    Im confused...

    My friend told me maybe it means.. "I really wanted to hug you, but I cant do that..were both in relationships...etc etc.. so I will shake your hand instead"

    Perhaps it was just a handshake...who knows.

    Every once in awhile, I feel like he may like me.

    I think about him constantly.


    So girls, guys.. what do you think the handshake could have meant? He didnt do it to anyone else... so I dont understand. It was funny!!! LOL

    ANY input on this will be greatly appreciated!!!



  3. Thanks for your responses you guys...

    I appreciate it.

    I really do hope he likes me.


    I will continue to be on a friendly basis with him and smile at every chance I get and talk to him more and more. I learn something new about him every day. I love it.

    Im just glad I found such a wonderful friend in him.

    Ive been very down today.. He came in later again, (I passed him on the road) so I didnt get to talk to him today.

    Whats really bothering me is.. I cant get him off my mind.

    Does anyone else have this problem with anybody?

    I mean, its driving me batty. I try alot of things.. but everything reminds me of him.


    Anyone else want to give advice on what you think about my whole situation? I would love to hear some more advice.

  4. Hi Reynder....

    I read your reply to me and thank you.


    Wow....you ARE going through a dilemma.

    I think what keeps us going with people we are interested in is the mystery of it all.

    Although I really really want to know what is going on with my friends head at work, In other ways I dont in fear of the rejection.


    But yet, its good to have that "fun and mystery" of coming into work every day and looking forward to seeing him and what will happen next. As frustrating as it can be...I think thats a big part of it.


    The way your friend is acting is strange. It does seem to be that she is interested in you, yet she loves this other guy...so it sounds sort of confusing.

    Like she doesnt know what to do. All I can say is..see where it takes you before you leave your job. If nothing comes of it..It will be good that you are moving on.

    You will miss her, but yet you will see and meet new people. She will be a "nice" memory I suppose.

    I feel you met her for a reason.

    I really wish this would work out for you.

    Let us know what happens, ok?

  5. The guy I am interested in at work, has had conversations with me about various things. One of them being about pretty girls and no personality.

    He said about one of our coworkers "She may be pretty and all, but there is nothing there...No thank you.. she really needs to grow up" etc etc.


    He also said she was trying to pursue him awhile back and he felt like saying "Quarter to never, baby"



    So yes..I think some guys/woman DO Look at personality.

  6. Hey guys..I was posting here as "WhatsthematterwithRen", but for some reason..I couldnt log onto that name anymore.

    I hope you can go back and check out my dilema,(its under "New here..need serious advice") to get the scoop where Im at right now.


    Ok..back late August I posted here about a guy that works in my building.

    I am 30 and he is 25... His name is B******


    Heres a quick run down...

    I became friendly with him back in May...this summer we became friends..we only talk at work and when I see him out when he plays in his band.

    I am in a current relationship, but sadly, it is slowly fading away.

    Ive never felt sooo strongly towards anyone in all these years than I do with this guy at work. We have sooo much in common that its scary. I work days, he works nights..but I see him because our schedules run into each other.

    Some days he can be really flirtatious..others not.

    He was in an on/off again relationship with this girl. Back in August when I posted for the first time..he was with her again. Yet, I couldnt understand why he would want to be with this girl when she caused him alot of crap back in the Spring.

    Well, anyway..

    He invited me and a couple other co workers to a party he had at his house 2 weeks ago..Needless to say, I was sooo happy!

    This proves he does really like me as a friend at least.. LOL


    Anyway...His girlfriend was out of town at the time. (yay!)

    He did speak about her a couple times that night..so as you can imagine, I did feel a bit crushed.

    But he got to know me a little bit better, and I got to know him better. We talked alot that night.


    He also did get me my drinks all night and then gave me this 'look'....

    It made me melt and I couldnt believe he was actually looking at ME this way!

    He asked if I still had the first drink he gave me and then gave me the most flirtatious look and squinted at me and smiled. I cant really describe it, but yet..I gave him the same look back.

    Ive been wondering what was up with that look for the past couple weeks.

    Some days I catch him looking at me from his desk, other days he plays it cool like he has no interest at all. I do the same thing though. But it confuses me! LOL


    I try to make it known that Im having problems with my boyfriend. But I dont tell him.

    Ive been seriously praying that he realizes I could be the one for him, even though I knew he was with his girlfriend.

    I think I am in love with him. This is a very strong feeling. I feel like I need to be with him. Almost like Hes my missing link.


    Well, this past Thursday, he got to work late and I was leaving pulling out of the drive...when I saw him pull in and he beeped and waved at me!

    Now, hes only seen my car once or twice. So....This proves that he knows my car!

    The next day (this past Friday) he came in and he said hi and all, and I could have sworn he was listening to my conversation I was having with someone. (Im flattered, actually!)

    See, we can listen to headphones, and I was talking to this girl near him and I saw him pull away his one earphone.

    Right before that, he just glanced over at me and smiled as he answered his phone. I was taken aback..but I smiled right back at him.


    Before I left work that day..I went over to his desk to chat with him. I asked him what he was doing for the weekend and he told me nothing too much. He VERY QUICKLY mentioned that he broke up with his girlfriend and said he was just "bored with the whole thing", and quickly dropped the subject.

    I quickly said back.."Oh..Ill be doing the same too, and said..I know what you mean..things get boring after awhile"

    He said hes been very bored lately with alot of things.. I agreed and said the same thing..because its true.

    We then changed the subject.


    We talked about him maybe having a Halloween party at his place if he cancels his show on Halloween night. He didnt come right out and invite me, but I know I will probably be invited. I told him it sounds like fun..etc etc.

    When I was leaving he said "Well, have a good weekend and try not to be too bored" and I laughed and told him to "have a nice weekend too and that I will see him Monday"



    Now..this comes the day after a very good friend of ours asked me privately how things are going with my boyfriend. I told her things are the same and I am not in love with him anymore.

    Before that I had mentioned B***** in a conversation and said I love my new friends!

    Maybe its all a coincidence...maybe not.

    Maybe God is answering my prayers.

    Maybe this is actually the beginning of something, or maybe Im just living in a fantasy world.

    All I think about is him. Hes always on my mind. I think of him and smile.

    Its just weird though, I kept telling my close friends all week that if only he wasnt going out with her.


    Am I losing my mind?

    Gosh..maybe I AM living in a fantasy world and just wishing he broke up with his girlfriend because of me. LOL

    Oh well..

    ANYONE PLEASE..I need some advice..some input..whatever.

    It would help tremendously if you could go back to that post about him I made back on Aug 28th I believe.


    Anyway.. thank you all. I know this was long winded. I really look forward to your responses.

  7. You know what the problem is?

    People are too quick to give up. People are too damn lazy and dont want to work at a marriage. Ive seen it happen to a couple of people.

    Most times there are children involved and that just sucks.

    People like that are selfish and only do whats best for them. I dont care what anyone says.. they dont care about anyone but themselves.


    Dont get me wrong though, I can see if there has been a problem with your marriage for some time due to drinking, drugs, gambling, abusive behavior and youve tried to work on it many times with no luck, then I can see by leaving.

    But when someone just decides.. Oh..I dont love you anymore and BOOM they want a divorce, They dont know the first meaning about love.

    Why did they take that vow in the first place?

    It meant absolutely nothing. Then half the time they think the grass is always greener on the other side, when its really not.. then they try crawling back after its too late.


    If you do ever get married... I wouldnt sit and worry about it. Wait for quite awhile before you marry him.

    Best of luck in your marriage someday.

    You can make it work!

  8. First of all let me say, I am glad I found this place. I really dont want to talk to anybody about this in person, except on an anonymous level.(like here) This may be a little long..but I really anticipate your responses.


    Ok heres the situation... I am head over heels about this guy I work with at my office. (ok..we can call it a crush..but I hate that word at my age)

    Anyway, He works on the nightshift, I work dayshift. I see him every day though..because our schedules run into each other.

    Anyway, when he started about 2.5 years ago, I noticed him...thought he was cute. But really didnt think much of it. I said Hello every once in a great while, because I really didnt know him.


    Well, just a few short months ago..(around May) I went to see his band play. I had a really good time and I was VERY impressed with him. Still though, I thought nothing of it. I knew he was cute, pretty friendly..etc.

    The next day though, he came up to me and thanked me for coming. For some reason, that was like the bell that went off.

    Since then, we talk on a daily basis. We have actually become friends in these past few months. We talk about everything now. On his bday I gave him a nice card. Nothing too personal.. just something that I know he would like.

    I feel we have ALOT in common. I mean ALOT!!! Hes alot of fun.

    Someone actually told me once that he is a very private person. If that is so, why does he tell me alot of things about his life?

    Ive seen his band play now, numerous times... each time I go, he makes sure he comes and talks to me for at least 5 minutes or so before he plays.

    Its soo cute, hes such a different person while playing in his band.. very outgoing..etc. At work, he is very quiet..bookwormy type. Not handsome.. but most definitely cute!!

    Hes told me a couple things that no one else supposedly knows. I feel so honored.


    Ok.. now here are some things...

    He has an on/off again relationship with his girlfiend. From what I understand she made his life miserable for awhile back in the winter. Well, he is back with her again...even though she fought with him at his last show.

    I dont want to go too much into my personal life.. I just want to say that it would be a very big decision for me if I ever DID have a chance with this guy.


    I want to say a couple things though...Its almost strange the way I feel about him. My best friend actually told me that she says its very scary at how much he looks like he is my type. (we are not kids here..we are in our late 20's) She KNOWS my type.

    I think I am starting to obsess over him. Now this is NOT good.

    I SHOULDNT be doing this.

    But, I truly believe for SOME reason we met and became friends. There IS a reason for this. Theres gotta be.

    Some days I try not to act too desparate in front of him, so sometimes its just a casual "Hi ***"

    I could have sworn he was being a bit flirty with me this past week.. but maybe he was just being friendly.

    Heres another big problem... Im always told Im pretty.. Im blonde and Oh and I have a great tan to die for, but the problem is.. Im sleightly overweight.

    I get all confident sometimes, but then I look in a mirror and think" OMG!! Why would he EVER like ME??" My feelings of confidence go down the drain, even though I am currently losing the weight.



    Today he came over to sit by me at work for awhile on his break... I was very flattered he did this. It made me feel soo good. Like he actually cared to talk.

    He actually let me borrow a CD of his not too long ago.. someone else who knows him well told me, "Gee, he never lets anyone borrow his CD's"


    All the girls at his shows are probably crazy about him. But I work with him, I am friends with him. I know him better than they do.

    Dont get me wrong.. he is sooo not the type of band guy to go and sleep wiht a girl after a show. (their following isnt THAT big..) LOL


    Why am I so obsessed?

    Is it possible he came into my life for a reason? Since we have soo much in common (thats its almost scary) could it be I am meant to be with him?

    I dont know what to do.. I am terribly confused.

    He smiles at me at all times, I do too. He sometimes ask me for advice. LOL He looks me in the eyes constantly while he talks.

    I just cant believe I havent been friends with him earlier than this!


    Let me just end this by saying.. yes, I am in a current serious relationship. I know I love my boyfriend sooo very much. (but I really dont want to go into that.. I just need input on this guy at work)

    I honestly truly do love my boyfriend though, that I feel like crying because I am having these feelings for this guy.


    He has never spoken of his girlfriend to me and I have never spoken about my boyfriend to him. (WHATS STOPPING US?)

    Its just that the feeling of NEEDING to be with him is completely overwhelming. I feel like I need him..

    Im confused and I think about him all the time. I dont know what I am doing or where I am heading.

    Although I only told 3 of my closest friends about him, I could never tell my close friends at work. This is why I keep this quiet. Its killing me.

    I would hope to God nobody I know ever saw this post.

    sorry this took so long.. but I really need some input on something. THANK YOU>

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