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Everything posted by artbug

  1. I am also experiancing the same exact feelings you are. And even today have come up with the logical conclusion that the feelings are a result of my childhood experiances. I live about 450 miles away from my boyfriend, and at first it was easy to be apart. But the longer we've been apart, the more I worry. Infact, even last night I was upset about him even mentioning some girl as a new aquintance! Jelousy is definitely a factor. He has also reassured me many tims that he would never cheat on me because he truly loves me. So here is where my advice comes in. I know that I have to get over these feelings through a certain amount of self introspection. Acknowledgeing the fact that our past childhood experiances play a major factor. But also, looking at our boyfriend's own history and personalities should give us a better clue at why we feel like we do. As for me, I feel that there is absolutely no reason I should not trust him with people of the opposite sex. He has never cheated on anybody, and he hasen't shown any signs of distancing from me in my life. Another thing to remember is that if he's going to cheat, he's probably not going to spend the time and commitment to be in a long distance relationship! It would be rediculous. On the mental side of our reactions in this situation, I'm with you on thinking I'm crazy, and making myself sick with worry! I'm worried that I'm worried too much, and obsessive! I told this to my boyfriend, and he told me not to worry about that, and he will love me no matter if I'm a crazy person or not. Unconditional love is like that. I have to thank you for speaking up about this issue. Now I don't feel so alone. Thanks, and GOOD LUCK!! ~Artbug
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