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Posts posted by Skeptic76

  1. My son had it, but he’s 18 so for him it was only a 10 day disease, probably the middle six of which were moderately uncomfortable.


    It’s caused a fair amount of illness & death and a good deal of fear. That said there’s tons of sensationalism and speculation going on - and trust in the government and media are at all time lows.


    It’s been politicized and as the old government axiom goes “never let a good crisis go to waste!” So of course there is spin from all directions, lol.


    I understand how people can get unhitched from the science and carried away by fear in these isolated times. I hope things calm down soon and in the meantime we all find ways of spreading love instead of angst.

  2. My son has symptoms so it’s likely my daughter and I will get whatever it is too, as we’re all “sheltered in place” together.


    It’s day 3 for my son and I’m super relieved to see that it’s super mild for him (18yo, no known underlying risk factors.) He basically has a cold.

  3. Jeanne I'm so sorry I ended our relationship. Leaving you was a colossal mistake and every day I hurt so bad. At first I'm scared the pain will kill me, and then I almost wish it would, lol. I miss you so bad and I wish you would come back. Thank you for sharing your love with me, you made me a better man. I hope you're doing good and feeling happy and that suddenly leaving you like I did won't make you hesitate or second guess when your next romance begins. You deserve the best, most tender and fulfilling relationship there ever was.

  4. It's not my job to support you anymore. I pay my child support each and every month and that's the extent of my obligation to you. For YEARS I carried the entire relationship. Full-time job, bulk of the housework and thank God the kids had me so that at least one parent was involved and hands-on. You are like a spoiled child now that your free ride is gone and you want to punish me with your vindictiveness. You have the nerve to say I'm not giving you enough money and I need to look for better employment when you refuse to get a job?! You are selfish and lazy and I should just feel sorry for you, but you continue to poke and prod and attempt to disrupt my life. Move on! Let go already! I REFUSE to ever sink to your level or even give you the satisfaction of seeing that your endless self-pity turned toward me in the form of anger and spite has any effect. I will stay on the high road of civility and post on message boards with my rants...but deep inside I'm glad you're in so much pain. It's the consequence of your blind rage and it's what you deserve. With any luck you'll see your behavior for the disgusting, shameful disgrace that it truly is once the pain gets bad enough. Then perhaps you can make a change for the positive and ease the burden that your sickness is to EVERYONE around you. So if you're suffering, I'm happy for you, do it until you're done you sick, pathetic, senseless shell of a woman.

  5. Hi Alexis,


    This sucks so bad. I miss you so much EVERY day. I never imagined that I would ever have to leave somebody I love. I just wish it could be like it was before.


    Today was the best father's day ever....the kids were great! Chloe and I danced in Starbucks at her request, and Cade said "It's easy to be a kid with a Dad like you." I cried a little bit... I'm crying again now because you weren't here to share it with us.


    If you had just admitted that you made a mistake with that guy - hell, if you had never made that mistake....what if, what if, what if. Coulda, shoulda, woulda....


    I want nothing more than to just take you back and pretend like nothing happened, and that's what I would do if I called you right now. It was my intent to do that against my better judgment until you ignored my text messages this morning. I can't delude myself about the relationship any longer when it becomes more and more apparent that you wouldn't come back even if I would have you.


    I will always love you and wish the best for you even though I cannot be with you.



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