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Posts posted by Pine

  1. AAAHHHH next time try to keep it short


    Wtf...for someone to read all that and to post this is ....I don't know. Completely bafalling.


    Anways...Etienne I feel you just told the future of my life. I'm a very geeky kind of guy too. Not to the point of expressing my geekness, but to the point of which I live computers, games, acually. I like anything that is remotely different then ordanary life. I love math also. But anways. I'm a 16yr old junior in highschool and I just moved in with my dad. I previously lived with my mom. For my reasons I moved down here with my dad. Its the 4th week of school and I still eat lunch alone. I'm a very nice, funny, and i've been told physically appealing. Yet I don't have any friends in my new school yet. My last school I had 3 good friends. With the move and all, I've grown apart from them. I live in the US btw, and I have future plans to move to Canada...or somewhere. I'm tired of the same old *beep*. I need something new. Anways, I'm not the one to answer your questions...for I ask the same ones. I once had the same thought of oral communication. I remember when I used to ride the bus to school, a place among others with a lot of conversations going on. And yes every one of them seemed completely .....irrational. Not intresting at all to me. They were usally conversations about people....teachers dressing weird..."What johny said to sussie"...ect. I listen to country and I'm very intellectual as well. I plan to go to college and major in computer science....or become a helicopter pilot. Don't ask me how I can like to different things like this. Ijust do. Anways I would love to talk to you, about anything. Do you have aim? Contact me if you do. If not e-mail me.


    Thanks for posting,



    AIM: Admnultm8

    E-mail : email removed


  2. I'd talk to your parents, as hard as it is. It comforts them and gives you more space. Tell them what you are telling us. Explain what kind of guy he is, and that this would mean a lot to you. And most of all, you wont disappoint them. Yet...don't lie about this stuff. As "dumb" as parents might seem they are, they've been there done that. And no, i'm not a parent, i'm 17 haha. But yea, talk with them.


    Communication = Power!



  3. First off....


    The reason that most guys go for there friends is because most men misinterpret friendliness for flirtation.


    Is indeed a very negative quote towards not most but all men. So that is why i'm bring this back up. Not one person is alike! Never! So by making this very general quote about one sex is totaly incorrect. I believe that there are men out there like this...but not all men are like this. I believe that one might move towards a friends partner because the friend gives lots of information to the friend. This makes the friend almost feel jelouse at one point. So he is willing to move towards the partner. Its not that he throws your friendship to the floor, its that you have something that he wants. And hearing about that thing 24/7 may lead to this. My advice....don't brag to your friend about things you and your partner do. But hey, i'm just one person, with one opinion. And after all, were not all the same.



  4. First off....


    The reason that most guys go for there friends is because most men misinterpret friendliness for flirtation.


    Is indeed a very negative quote towards not most but all men. So that is why i'm bring this back up. Not one person is alike! Never! So by making this very general quote about one sex is totaly incorrect. I believe that there are men out there like this...but not all men are like this. I believe that one might move towards a friends partner because the friend gives lots of information to the friend. This makes the friend almost feel jelouse at one point. So he is willing to move towards the partner. Its not that he throws your friendship to the floor, its that you have something that he wants. And hearing about that thing 24/7 may lead to this. My advice....don't brag to your friend about things you and your partner do. But hey, i'm just one person, with one opinion. And after all, were not all the same.



  5. I recommend every single person that views this post to listen to this song. Its by Chris Cagle and the songs name is What a beautiful day. It is a simple country song that explains how saying hello can get you very far, and thanking yourself for getting the courage to say hello to someone. Very good. Go download it! ( Or wait...the music agentcy might arrest you...haha!)



  6. Very thought provoking. It indeed explains life and how gains and loses will let you down. How if you don't meet your goals...you are indeed left emotionally with nothing. Yet to have no expectations....to have no hopes, is like living a life not worth being lived...keep up your hopes, dream your dreams, and live life the way its suppose to be lived. With love, friendship, achievements, disappointments and the rest that may come.


    Other then that.... Its awsome

  7. Well i've know this girl for awhile now. Around 3-4 months to be exact. We met at the river and her mom is dating my dads girlfriends ex. So our famlies know each other. I reall like her, and I've expressed that I like her. I told her one night that I really care for her and would love to be more then just friends. That was when we really just met though, anyways. She said that she doesn't like me as a boyfriend but would love to be friends. We've been friends ever since. We talk to each other almost every day. We laugh together a lot, and she says nobody makes her laugh like I do. Anyways, she moved closer to me and today she called me up and wanted me to drive over. I'm 16 almost 17, and shes 14. We are going to be going to the same school soon. Anyways, I drove over. Their house is only 600sq feet. Its a rental until they find a new house, its pretty funny though. They have furniture outside and they were telling me how its their outdoor living room. They being her and her parents. Anways I ended up being invited for dinner and her parents sent us to the grocery store to pick up some things. Haha why is it that grocery shoping is SOOO much easier when you just go with your mom? Anyways we must of did 20 laps around that store, we had fun though. I was pushing her around in the cart and stuff. So we ate dinner and I gave her a hug, thanked her parents for having me and for dinner and went home. My question for you guys is...do you think she likes me? As more then a friend. I know its probably hard to tell, but what do you think?




  8. Well i'm not any good at picking up signs, or giving them now that I think of it. But we went to the river with our parents and we went off-roading together. I gave her a jet-ski ride and we floated down river talking to each other. Over all, I had fun. I believe she did also. We talk almost every day after school, she will be going to my school in a week or so. We always laugh together. I don't know. But yes as you said, I need to talk to her. I just feel weird now, like shes a different person. I hope this works out to be good, I really like her. Anyways thanks for the advice.



  9. Well, I really like this girl that i've known for about two months. I met her down at the river, I guess her moms boyfriend is my step-moms ex. Anyways, I spoke with her ex-boyfriend last night, there really good friends I guess. And the conversation worked its way towards, "do you think she likes me". Which I asked him. He said that she thinks i'm to old for her, and that her mother doesn't want her dating me. I have no idea when she told him that, or if she even told him that. But I don't think he would just come up with this stuff. I'm 16 and shes 14, we always have a good time together, talking over the phone or hanging out. She says I make her laugh a lot, which I think is good. The thing is, my heart is aching because I was really looking into being more then just friends. If all this is true this is gonna be my like 7th heart ache/break in four years, ahh I don't understand girls...anyways. Does anyone have advice on what I should do or what I should say or even think...?




  10. Hello,

    First off I would like to introduce myself. You all may call me Pine, I'm a 16 year old boy from San Deigo California. I'm going to be a Junior this year in highschool and I need some advice on this girl that I met.


    Alright, first off, My parents are devorced and I live with my dad now. They've been devorced since I was little but anways. My dad has been dating this women, and her ex has met a new partner also. So my fathers girlfriend's ex's new partner has a girl. Her name is Alicia. Well I met her for the first time at the river last weekend. I feel we hit it off good. We floated down river and talked about random stuff. I took her for a few jet ski rides, and we went off roading. So I end up getting her number and e-mail address. I've been talking with her all this week, through e-mail and over the phone.

    Okay the thing is, I really like this girl. I feel we would make a great couple. I have no idea how she feels though, but I believe she likes me. We horsed around in the water and stuff and made great eye contact at the river, so I think its there. She did mention her last boyfriend, and how he was really pushy and grabby. How he would take her to the movies not to have a good time but to "get some". And I'm not that kinda guy, I truly respect women and their feelings/thoughts. So I end up asking her if she would like to go see a movie with me, she accpted. So we get up to the booth and I tell her its her pick for the movie. I was expecting to go see a "chick flick" which arn't to bad, and I wanted to be a gentlemen and let her pick. To my surpise....she wanted to see S.W.A.T. Which I was dieing to see, you should of saw my expression when she said she wanted to see that. I was shocked, its was wonderful though. So we see this movie, we made no physical contact what-so-ever. I did this because I didn't want her to see me as her ex, trying to "get some". I just wanted to have fun and know that she is having fun at the same time. I did ask her if she wanted something like a drink or what not throughout he movie though. Anways the movie was awsome.

    I've been talking with her quite a bit this week, and she says that I make her laugh a lot. Last night I had her crying she was laughing so hard. Haha I love it to make others laugh and feel good. Anways she's 14 i'm 16. She always says how "cool" I am and how nice I am. I want to be more then just friends with her, what do you guys think? What should I do?


    BTW, this place is awsome.

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