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Posts posted by EQIQ

  1. ... So you liking a new boy are u.... *red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks**red asterisks*


    Hope u r happy, but that he turns out to be a complete douche... maybe then you will value what u had...

  2. Lol damn... I was talking to that girl whom you used to be crazy jealous off remember? Yeah turns out she is a bit of a * * * * * lol... so forget about that... damn.. I was really thinking this new girl would have been a nice way to finish getting over you... meh.. who cares.. I am just bored right now and don't really care about you anymore. But you are lucky, see I am not chasing any girl right now... if you were smart you would take this opportunity and try your luck with me lol ... anyway... gtg to class c ya

  3. Hey everyone. I found this awesome thing on the internet that allows you to edit a video with a picture that you wish. It makes for a very fun and nice surprise or gift for a family member, like your father or something. Or even a nice surprise for your significant other (boyfriend/husband). Have a look it is really cool:


    (And lol.. the picture I have on this is from my father at my sister's wedding back in 1994 lol It is so hilarious so I had to use it)


    link removed


    P.S: He was extremely happy and laughing for a good 5 minutes over this lol.

  4. We were literally 3 feet from each other, and not even hi. seriously.. are we really that childish?... such stupid uncomfortable situations.. I HATE Friday nights... wish I didn't have to see you twice a week. Wish I was really far away...


    I can't believe that from a perfect day, feeling really happy, I went down to crying.. soo pathetic...


    I knew I was the one that was gonna get hurt in the end.. I always cared for you to make sure you wouldn't get hurt, but really I should have never given you a chance, why did I actually give in to your flirting? You came after me for months, where did all that passion go... ? Why did I give you a chance... I knew this was probably not gonna work.. why did I let myself go into fantasy land? I knew I am too nice of a person to eevr hurt anyone, I knew I was not gonna hurt you like this.. but why didn't I protect myself from harm... ? You don't deserve me crying for you.. but yet I am...


    Funny thing is that if you read this, you would actually get mad at me, and tell me that I am trying to manipulate your feelings, trying to make you feel bad.. it is always just about you, you you isn't it...? ............ screw you........

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