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Posts posted by blax13

  1. the last girl I dated 3yrs ago. Is a head case. please tell me what you think.


    everytime I see her at the bar she gives me a big huge and ask me to by her a drink. Then later in the night when I'm talking with my female friends she will come over and pull me aside and ask who are those b*tchs. I say it doenst matter we havent been togather for 3yrs and then I see her with random guys all kissing on her and I ask "how is your boyfriend " right in front of the guys and she just says fine and goes about her business. what do you guys think should even talk to her anymore or just deal with it when i see her?

  2. hang in there dog. Just show her that you are a really special person. if you what to find a way to her its though her friends. Girls tend to look to there friends for advice on guys. so play it cool with her chica and they will start to tell her how great you are, but be careful sometime the friends will start to like you and then you have a conflict of interest so be nice but not too nice. trust me!!

  3. take it from a guy, when you dont hear from us for longer than a week one of two threes has happened


    1. we lost your #

    2.we lost interest

    3. we found someone else


    sorry to break it to ya but i'm guessing its one of those things.



  4. I was dating a girl in my junior and senior year in high school we we in love if you want to call high school love actually love. We broke up and I never really got over her. that was 6 years ago. I found out that today (8/9/03) She is getting married. I moved away after high school and tried to keep in touch with her but it was hard. I feel I should of told her how I felt before she got married. What do I do? Still tell her?or just leave it and admitt I blew it? If I tell her any chance that I could get another shot? Help me out people! thanks

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