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Posts posted by don87gn

  1. i just talked to her on the phone...here's what was said...


    basically she said that she doesn't know how to get rid of this guy...she told me that she called him up today and played a trick on him...she told him that she thought she was pregnant and that she was feeling very sick...the guy went nuts and started trying to plan for the worst...i guess she said that maybe she was wrong and maybe wasn't pregnant...i thought that was kinda funny...she said she was just testing him and wanting him to "settle down" because he keeps pressuring her into sexual activities all the time and she doesn't want it...


    and get this...this is kinda personal i know...but it relates to the situation...i guess the guy asked her how he compared to me as far as "size"...she told me that she told him the truth to his face and that she said "no...my ex was way bigger..." OUCH


    soooo what's going through her mind? she said that she needs time to rethink about everything and that she wants to get her mind straight again...we were talking like before, laughing together and making fun of this guy...she even asked me what i was doing this weekend and i told her i was going racing with my car with my friends...she said good for me and she was happy to see me having fun instead of worrying about her all the time...


    towards the end of the conversation i asked her what's the status on us right now...she said that she wants me to stay open minded...but still keep looking for another girl or date other girls...i told her that i planned on that anyways...i told her that i will keep my mind open for you, but IF a girl decides to come around, i am jumping all over it...she said that she felt better hearing that...


    so now i guess i am just gonna keep going with life and not even think about her for a while...i am gonna let her gather her thoughts and maybe she will want to reunite...if not i am not gonna let it bother me...

  2. I was going with this girl for about a year and a half. We did everything together and we were each other's best friends. We stayed true to each other. I am 20, she is 18. We never planned on having sex until we married. We made our relationship not based on sex and vowed never to do it. She got a new job this past summer and she started hanging around new people. She even made friends with a couple guys. Well one night she went to one of the guys' house and they had alcohol. The one guy got her really drunk and I guess they were left alone and the guy took advantage of her and date raped her. She went to the hospital the next couple days and had tests done. She turned out ok. She didn't tell me until a week later. We agreed to just leave it behind and move on.


    Well things started to change after this event. It was like we weren't connecting anymore and that she wasn't interested in me anymore. So then two more months go by and out of the blue she tells me that she wants to break it off with me because she found another guy that "interested" her. She told me that the relationship with me was getting boring and I was getting boring to her. I did nothing wrong in the relationship and I did EVERYTHING for her. She told me that for the last month when we were together that if a guy was to come around her and show interest in her that she would jump on it. She had it planned.


    Well anyways she's been dating this guy for about a month now. She says it's not gonna work out because he is too far away and that he has alot of problems. She says he doesn't compare to me and he's completely opposite of me. Well guess what...I find out that they had sex together on like the 3rd week. I almost lost it. After going a year and a half and never vowing to have sex with me...then she dumps me for no reason and then has sex with a random guy she barely knows. I don't know how to desribe how I am feeling right now. I feel so hurt right now.


    Well now she says that she still misses me and she wants to break it off with this guy and hang out with me again. I told her that I don't know and that if we were to get back together that it would never be the same because now we have lost something special in her being a virgin. I am still a virgin but obviously she is not now. How do I deal with this? Is it even possible to make it work with her again? I really do miss her still and love her but I am trying my hardest to find another girl. In the meantime I think about what she did to me and how I could ever forgive her. What are your guys' opinions? I know sex isn't everything...but it's the fact that she went back on her word and had sex with this guy and not me...like he is more special to her than I was...I don't know what to do

  3. well yesterday's stunt that i pulled will be the LAST time i talk to her...now it's all up to her...i am no longer contacting her whether it be email or phone...she is gonna have to come BEGGING on hands and knees if she wants to get back with me...lots of guys are telling me to just move on because she isn't worth the bs...there's plenty of other girls who will love me as much as i love them...if this girl DOES happen to break it off with this guy and wants to come back with me she's gonna have to do ALOT of impressing me...period.

  4. well i already tried that today actually...i unexpectedly showed up at her house and got her a dozen roses and she was happy to see me...her parents couldn't believe and almost started crying...but she's still seeing this guy and she doesn't know what to do about him...i guess as her mom put it "this guy is her boy toy right now" which i have no idea what that means...but hopefully she quits seeing this guy SOON...i know she misses me because she told her mom that she wanted to come visit me this weekend at my work but her mom said no because it wasn't right...she's just very mixed up right now and i think this guy of hers right now is just a temporary fix in her mind to take things off her mind...it isn't going to last i can smell it

  5. To make my story short...my ex out of the blue dumped me a month ago after going with her for 1.5 years...she is 18 and i am 20 both in colleges closeby...the reason she dumped me is because she met some new guy while still seeing me and she said i was starting to get boring and the relationship in general was boring to her...that this guy made her decide to dump me for him...


    we still talk alot...she keeps telling me that this guy of hers isn't gonna work out because he lives so far away and hardly ever sees him...i went over to her house today (because we were both home from school for the weekend) and i gave her a dozen roses and wrote a little letter to her asking her to reconsider everything and come back to me...she told me that she doesn't know yet and i told her that i wasn't gonna pressure her...her parents keep telling her to go back out with me...hell her whole family is doing it...this guy she is seeing is no good...he has no future, not going to college...lives with him brother or something...


    i am thinking that this guy of hers is just a "fling" for a while just to take her mind off of things...i don't know if they have had sex yet because me and her are both virgins and we never intended on having sex until we married...but she has changed alot since the breakup and i don't know if she has done it with him or not...should i even take this girl back if she decides she wants to get back with me? i mean i feel so hurt by all this...things weren't even that bad...she was just spoiled and young and wanted to see what else was out there...i understand that to a point but common she keeps torturing me by telling me that we may get back together sometime and she keeps telling me all the negative things about this guy...what should i do? wait it out? actually no i am not doing that...i am still looking HARD to find another girl right now but i can't find anyone...i am having a hard time because all i think about is my ex...

  6. thanks man...i feel better now but this is so hard on me right now...she was my first real true love and i never had a problem with her...she just up and dumps me out of the blue and now i don't know how to handle it...i miss her so much, i miss our lifestyle we had together...i miss everything...i guess all i can do now is just let things happen and just not talk to her...maybe one day she will come to her senses...maybe not...only god knows

  7. well i just called her cell phone and left her a message...i know she hasn't read the email yet because she has been at work all day...but i left a message saying don't read my email from last night...just delete...i told her to please do me a favor and just don't read it at all and just delete it...it was stupid and i was in one of those moods and the email should have never even been created...she's usually good about this and she did it one time before we broke up (deleting an email upon my request) so i think i am safe...i am just now gonna ignore her for a while and see what happens...she will come back i just have to give it time...but by no means i am waiting around for her...if a girl decides to show me affection soon i am jumping all over it...thanks for the advice guys and now i realize things

  8. guys you are right...i made a mistake in making that email...i just wrote her an email back that said this :


    Kristina...I just woke up this morning and realized that that email I sent you last night was stupid...I am sorry for writing the whole thing...my mind is all mixed up right now as well as yours...I have no room to talk...I had alot on my mind last night and for some reason I got the nerve to put it all down on email like that...I am sorry...don't take that email too seriously...I am just gonna be patient with you and live my life and try not to think about you so much...chasing after you like I am isn't gonna do anything positive...if you still want to talk I will be here for you...but I am sorry for writing that email...you have to forgive me because this is my first time going through such a situation and I don't know how to handle it yet...talk to you later...


    hopefully she understands...i already sent that email out last night though...yeah i am kicking myself right now...i am so hurtT½I[ht now that i am doing stupid things...

  9. trust me she knows i love her very much and would do anything for her...she just never did it to me...she would occasionally show her love for me but not as much as i did to her...i can't figure out why she left me just because i was "boring" i mean this guy she is seeing isn't exactly mr. right...he is still in high school and 19 years old...doesn't plan on going to college and is going into the navy next year...what future is that (as far as she is concerned?) she is a VERY confused girl right now...I am not sure how much more love i need to give her...she might think i am nuts or weird if i show too much love...like i am obsessed and i am not obsessed...just hurt so much to the point that i don't know why it has all happened...i never got REAL explanations out of her about this breakup and why she went out with this guy...she is still a virgin and she didn't even want to have sex with ME and i was with her for 1.5 years...i just don't get it...sigh...

  10. I will briefly describe what has happened to me. 1 month ago my girlfriend of 1.5 years out of the blue just dumps me. She is 18 and I am 20. She is now in college but only an hour away from me. Anyways she told me that the relationship was getting "boring" and we were doing the same old stuff all the time and that she was bored with me...I told her that I wasn't bored with her and that I loved her very much regardless if we did the same stuff all the time...I treated her like a goddess. I have taken her EVERYWHERE, bought her EVERYTHING, and done all the little things for her...I was her first real true love and she is my first too...I just don't understand how I was "boring" to her...hell I even took her ass to 2 of the baddest concerts in a two week span.


    but then all of a sudden she meets this guy at a fair and 3 days later she dumps me (doesn't even tell me about the guy until 1 week later) we didn't talk for a week...then one day she emails me telling me to call her...so I did and we talked...I asked why this all happened and she told me everything...she said that this guy she met was the icing on the cake as far as if she really wanted to break up with me...she told me that she wasn't going to tell me about the guy ever because she didn't want me to know and didn't want me to get hurt so bad...but she made it worse by not telling me and then telling me...


    anyways we have been talking via email mostly lately and I have called her a few times (per her request) and she seems very interested in what I am doing and stuff...i told her i was partying alot more now and that i met this one girl and we are somewhat seeing each other but i can't go any further than that because i can't get over my ex...she told me that this guy she is seeing isn't gonna last much longer and that she doesn't want to lead me on but she said she may or may not want to get back with me sometime in the future...i told her i am not gonna make that decision for you...you have alot of making up to do and you have a lot of growing up to do before i can take you back...she said that she will think about it...does this sound like she wants to get back with me? i mean she wants to talk to me, she still cares for me...sounds like she is missing everything good i gave her and that not alot of other guys are going to be able to do the same...especially this guy...so what do i do? right now i am playing the single life up to its fullest...i am not waiting around for her to email me or call me but i told her whenever you wanna talk just let me know and i will make time...am i doing the right thing? or should i just cut off contact with her for a while and make her miss me???

  11. dude my ex of 1.5 years broke up with me last month because she said she wanted to experience new "fun" in her life and i was getting boring and the relationship was getting the same ol boring stuff...we still talk and she is seeing this one guy which she said herself it's not gonna last and one day we might get back together...why do girls have to do this all the time? they can't make up their damn minds at this age i swear...i loved her to death and i wasn't bored with anything and i never even thought about getting with another girl! it's always the girls that want to have their "space" screw that...


    i told her flat out that if you truly loved me you wouldn't leave me for another guy REGARDLESS if you are bored with me or not...obviously she doesn't love me enough like i did her...women are something else

  12. me and my ex that recently broke up with me never had sex...we wanted to make it special on our wedding day for us to both do it for the first time...but then she goes with two guys to some party, gets drunk and one guy takes advantage of her and now it doesn't even mean anything to me anymore...now that we are broke up we lost that special thing of ours...if we were to get back together it probably wouldn't be the same because now she is no longer pure...oh well life sucks sometimes

  13. ok i got another email from her tonight...it goes like this


    "hi don! i'm glad to here you are going with josh down to indy this weekend. it is good for you to be with your friends. i have to go to chicago on thursday to declare my change of major. i work on friday until seven but i'm going out with mary probably. saturday i have no clue but i have to work at four. sunday i'm spending with adrienne. monday with kim watson. tuesday and wednesday packing. somewhere i will squeeze in rhett. who knows. i move in on thursday but i'm coming home saturday and sunday (at least i think so). i never told you rhett and i broke up. i just don't think it is going to work in college. but who knows. so how is your family doing? i don't think you should call my cell phone. we agreed just on emailing. i kind of want to hang out before i go to college with you but i think that is to much for the both of us. maybe in a couple of weeks. i'm afraid that you are still so much in love with me and i don't want you thinking i want to get back to together. at least for right now. we both need time to ourselves. well sorry about emailing you sooner. i just been so busy. i worked seven hours today and i was suppose to have the day off. talk to you later."


    my reply to this was basically me saying that i don't want you back if you aren't going to love me...you have to sincerely apologize to me, beg for my forgiveness, and respect our relationship and be loyal to me and never cheat again and be honest with me...i wish i could have saved the email i wrote her back...it was so intelligent sounding and i basically didn't back down to her...i laid it all out for her...i told her that i respect the need for space but i don't respect the way you handled it and just tore my heart all into pieces when i did NOTHING wrong to you...we will see how she responds to that...it sounds like she is planning to get back with me but not right away...i guess she wants to get settled into college first and then see how things go...all i know is that i am not waiting around for her ass...sure i will be willing to listen to her and i told her that even though i am so pissed at her, i still have feelings for her and i do still care for her and that i miss her...but i will keep myself open availability to other girls...i am not gonna "expect" her to come back...but if i am still available at the time she does want to get back with me and she really does apologize to me and listen to everything i said...i told her i would gladly take her back...i am just like god...i am a forgiving person and will give you other chances to redeem yourself...in her case this is her first real screw up and i want to see how she rebounds from it...hopefully it's for the better...then i will take her back...what do you guys think?

  14. my ex g/f did the same thing to me...we went for 1.5 years very steady and we wanted one day to get married...then all of a sudden she turns into this "party" girl that she never was before and gets herself in trouble and she meets this guy at a fair and she starts dating him behind my back and then she has the nerve to break up with me 3 days later after she meets this guy...i didn't even find out about the guy until 1 week after the breakup...what a B!TCH...now she is talking to me again and hinting towards wanting to come back to me because her little "fling" didn't work out like planned...some girls have some nerve

  15. guys...she just emailed me this morning already telling me she got rid of that guy she was seeing because it wasn't ever going to work out and she misses me too much...i think she is hinting towards wanting to get back together with me...here's what i said to her


    basically i will take you back if you apologize to me and tell me you were totally wrong in everything you did to me...you have to change and you will have to love me for everything and respect me more...and that i am still very hurt and it will take a little time to totally forgive you...(i am a very forgiving person) i am awaiting her response to that...i am missing her so much still...even though she did all that harm to me i am still finding it in my heart to forgive her somehow or another...am i crazy?

  16. well that email that she sent me was not supposed to be a good one like i originally thought...she called me up today and told me it's all over now and that we need to move on with our lives...she is still dating that one guy but i don't even care...i told her that if she ever wanted to talk to me later on just to email me first...but let's never talk on the phone again or ever see each other...we both said our best of wishes and goodbyes and then we hung up...we are both getting ready for college anyways...i cried my eyes out but then after i was done i felt better and i started to realize that i have learned so much from this relationship and that it will make me so much smarter and stronger...i feel really good now that i know what is going on...i am glad to move on with my life and i definitely do not plan on getting serious for a long time like i did with this girl...this was my first real true love and it will be very hard to get over her...but god damnit i will prevail and i will get stronger with time...i thank everyone who helped me out on this! you guys are awesome...i will definitely remember this site and come back to it when i need help...thanks again

  17. dude thank you so much for writing that...i was starting to get pathetic and i couldn't stop thinking about my ex who CHEATED on me and dumped me for no reason but yet i still want her back...god i am a moron! i need to get out with my friends and have fun! every single part of that is so true...i say i will not even contact my ex...let her contact me...let her get on her hands and knees BEGGING to get back with me...if it's anything less i am not taking her back...time to move on and find someone who REALLY does LOVE me and doesn't want to play games

  18. well i dont know what she has to say yet...i won't till later tonight when i call her...but yeah maybe i was just a little too much hurt and stuff but this is my first time going through such a situation and same to her...i really hope she has come to her senses and comes back to me the guy who will love her for who she is and never take advantage of her and always be there for her...i will post on here the outcome later on...

  19. oh my god guys! i just received an email from her...she sent it at 12:25 am last night! she said "hi babe! i wrote a half page email today and i went to send it and it didn't allow me. my message was erased. so i'm sending you this little one to see if it goes through. i will hopefully email you tomorrow if i have time. why don't you give me a call around eleven tomorrow nite on my cell phone. i have free minutes. by the way to you still have your cell phone? talk to you tomorrow"


    i have never ever felt this happy in my life...and to think i was going to give it another week! maybe i shouldn't get my hopes up TOO much just in case something bad happens but i know her...we've had little tiny breakups before this major one and she ALWAYS came back to me right away...

  20. hi...i am going through the same exact thing...my g/f of 1.5 years out of the blue just dumped me and we had a very good relationship...did everything together...i talked to her mom and she said that my ex g/f is just lost and her mind is not right currently and needs time to think things out...so i am not calling them or emailing them or ANYTHING for at least a week or two...i want her to miss me like i am missing her...you know the old saying...


    "if you set a girl free and she comes back, she's yours...if not, it was never meant to be"

  21. what i ment to say it that sitting at home and dreaming about her wouldn't lead to anything, instead it will drive YOu crazy..............

    Its either you in or out.............

    Just don't sit at home.....................

    If you want her back a lot..........get flowers,make a little present for her (like nice frame with the pictures of two of you)

    Get to her house at about midnight..........

    That will freak her out BUT i believe its romantinc............

    tell her that u love her infront of her parents.........

    it might work

    good luck

    and get a clean cloth and a good perfume.//////////////


    i actually thought about doing this...the first week we met and were going out i had my camcorder and recorded various things and places where we went together...i was gonna put them on tape and leave it by her front door along with a set of roses and a card saying I miss you and I still love you...i know she was wrong in what she did but i am willing to forgive her if she apologizes and realizes she was wrong...but i am not gonna do it anytime soon...i was gonna do all this in about a week or so...that way i have allowed time for her to think her thoughts like her mom requested...i want to give her some time to think about me and let her miss me before i do all that...if i did it tomorrow she wouldn't like it because everything is so fresh and sour right now...is this a good idea guys?

  22. the reason why i still want her back is because i know NORMALLY she wouldn't have done all this to me...but her mind is so screwed up right now she doesn't know what she wants...yes i am completely pissed off at her for hurting me so much for no reason, but i am still leaving the door open for her because i know that she's been going through a rough time with the whole rape thing and i just hope she one day sees the light and says to herself "i need to get back with that guy who really did love me"


    yeah you're right i need to get out of the house and hang out with my friends and do things but i can't this entire week because i got all banged up from that car accident that i am lucky to be alive...i am on pain killers and muscle relaxers because i can barely walk...that's probably why i am having such a hard time with this...it's like both these bad things together are making me insane! i've been in the same room for 4 days now...

  23. Hi I am a 20 year old male. Me and my girlfriend who is 18 had been going together very steady for about a year and a half. We hardly ever fought and we did everything imaginable together. Her parents loved me to death and so did she. But then something happened about a month ago. She went to this party with a couple guys that she knew and one of the guys got her really drunk. Eventually the guy took advantage of the situation and raped her. Now mind you me and her are both virgins and we had plans on never doing it until we were married. She went to the hospital to get tests done and she checked out ok. But she was depressed for a couple weeks after that and she didn't even tell me until a week later. We finally agreed that there was nothing we could have done and that we should just forget about it and move on.


    Well ever since that time, she hasn't really been the same. She was nervous and reluctant to do things with me and she always had these little doubts in her mind that we may not last much longer.


    Well last week...we went to a concert together. We had a ball. We said our goodnights and left on good terms. But then she wouldn't answer her cell phone or call me for the next 3 days. Finally she calls me up late last wednesday night and out of the blue tells me "I don't want to be in this relationship anymore." I didn't know what to say...I was in total shock and I felt so hurt. She wouldn't give me ANY reasons why she did it. She had said that she was getting bored with me and that alot of little things about me were bothering her. But I was so good to her. I gave her pretty much anything she wanted. I treated her very good.


    Later I find out from her mom that the day after we went to that concert...she met some guy at a fair and was seeing him the whole week. That's why she didn't break down and cry after she told me to hit the road. She had it all planned. When I found that out I almost lost it. I have talked to her mom and she is very dissappointed that all of this is happening and she told me to just not talk to her for a while and let her gather her thoughts because now is not the time to be trying to get back with her. I talked to my girl just once since then and she told me that she didn't even like this guy too much and that it probably wasn't gonna work. Now I sit at home just wanting to call her and talk to her but I am sticking to the plan of not calling her or talking to her for at least a week. Is there any advice to this situation?


    (added from next post - swingfox)


    I forgot to mention that she still has ALL our pictures together and all my stuff i bought her...i was her REAL first true love and she was my first REAL true love as well...do you think she will be wanting me back? my guess it will just take a little time...her mom said that this new guy of hers is probably just a temporary fix to take things off her mind...but they don't like the guy and neither does my ex...afterall i just recently got in a car accident because my thoughts lately have been screwed up...everyone keeps telling me to just move on and find someone else but i had a good girl and i still have TONS of feelings for her...she MUST have some feelings for me still if she's keeping the pictures and everything right?

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