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Posts posted by faster302

  1. Hi Vamp, hope everything is going well with you. I look at it this way, don't let an opportunity to be happy slip by, or you might be thinking what if I would have done this or that, what if I talked to this women or that one. About them just being polite, I don't know I would have to see the look on their face, but if they keep looking after you walk by.. Yes, they are checking you out Bro. I say go for it, just go up to them and say Hi, If you don't get a good response, just walk away and look for the next......

  2. Thanks, I have decided not to send them, I now from everybody's advice it wouldnt work or maybe even make things worse, But I have been talking to her a little, and I told her that I was going to get rid of the engagement ring, she told me not to and cried, told me to just put it away. Then I told her that this would be the last time we talked and she said that she didn't want that, and cried, I told her I needed it for myself, so we agreed not to talk for one month. I leaving on a three week vacation today so that shouldn't be to hard for me, but she doesn't know that I am leaving. I did tell her one other thing that I think I shouldn't have but I think it did get a positive response of her feelings toward me. I told her I was going out on a date. She just gasped and said WHAT! I was like I cant wait around on her just setting here thinking about what she is doing, thinking she might be going out with other guys and stuff, I don't know if she is or not. So I am just giving her all the space she needs, Oh and she is calling it a brake now insted of a brake up. I think me telling her that I had a date was good and bad. I did go out on the date and it was fun, but afterwards I felt so bad like I was cheating or her, I guess this is normal? its only been two weeks now. I think it might have been to soon to go out on a date. It was hard for me, hell I almost didnt go.

  3. My gut feeling is to see my ex because I feel like she wants to work things out. Or maybe I am just hoping, but we did start talking about things.

    I asked about her sisters b/f and she said that they might be splitting up soon. Then she just cam out and said that both of their lives is F@#ked up right now, and she was sorry for not being fare to me, that she does not have her head on straight, I think she is really confused right now. I kind of think if we wait until I get back to talk, it might be to late. by the way she knows nothing about me leaving for 3 weeks.


    I think you are right that it is to soon to go out with another girl. I guess I need more time to get My Head on Straight also. My ex's mother did tell me I should call her and meet her out somewhere. I have been told that mother knows best. (most of the time) her Mom really cares about me and wants to see us together, but she isn't going to try to make us get back together but said she would help me anytime I needed it...

  4. I really need your advice,


    Okay I have another post on here about the brake up with my year relationship. "Crushed after 5 years"


    Me and my ex was talking last night online, we was talking about what was wrong in our relationship, she said she wants to finish talking about it later. My problem is that I am leaving Monday for a 3 week road trip and this will be the last time I will be able to see her until Sept. I really want to try to talk things out with her, it has been almost two weeks that we broke up. I love her with all might heart and I cant stand not being with her. I think she is missing me also because she has initiated 2 out of 3 times we have talked, and she said she came out and said she knows she isn't being fare to us exc.. exc..


    So I meet this women last week end, and we have been talking some, she seems nice but I know I am on the rebound bad, and she want to meet up tonight for drinks. I kind of want to meet her, but then again I feel real bad about it because I don't want to go out on my ex In case we do get back together, when we talk, and my sense is that we will for some reason. I don't know I just feel it.

    The girl I meet that want to meet up is going to call me today after she gets back from the beach. My ex is at work right now, so I don't know if I should call her, so we can meet to talk things out? or should I just go out with the new girl? If I did go out with her I don't think my head would be in the date,

    Do you think it is to soon to be going on another date? its hasn't been two weeks yet.

    I haven't been on at date with anyone else in over 5 years. It would be strange and I think very uncomfortable for me. The new girl dont know that I just had a brake up.


    Please give me your thoughts on this...Thanks

  5. I have been thinking about going to the gym but it is hard to get motivated to go and with work its hard to find time, IM not in to bad of shape I have only picked up around 10 pounds the whole time we have been together. But she has put on around 40 pounds! But she is still a very beautiful woman even with the extra weight, I still love her and have never told her she was getting fat or anything. But yes I think I am going to start going back to the gym when I get the time.


    I called her mother last night, and talked to her for a long time, I wasn't sure if I should have but she said she would say anything about it and to call whenever I wanted even to stop by. Her Mom really cares about me, hell she was crying more then me. But we both couldn't figure what was going on, it was just as much as a shock to her as to me. Mom told me that g/f said their wasn't anybody else she was seeing or anything and she told her Mom that should would never cheat on me that she loved me to much to hurt me like that. But she did say that she wanted to make sure

    that we was right for each other because when we got married it would be forever.


    So do you guys think that she could just be testing me? maybe wanting some extra attention? Or something? The g/f did say something about "we didn't act like a young couple" I say we act like a couple that is very much in love and are ready to get married.


    Damn she just Instant Messaged me!


    Well, I just got done talking to her, we just made small talk. We didn't bring anything up about the split up, I am actually happy that see started talking to me first. I have only called her one time in the week we have been apart that was 3rd so maybe she is starting to miss me a little? I don't know.


    What I wanted to get advise is on what her mother told me. She said I should call her up and ask to meet somewhere, then try to talk things out. All of my friends are telling me to wait, I don't know how long to wait, she is kind of bullheaded so it will be hard for her to call me. I told her Mom about this idea I had to send her five dozen roses, but I want to send one dozen to her work, then one half dozen to her house for five days, then maybe put something on the card like "Five dozen roses, one for each wonderful year we was together" I don't maybe I am just lame....


    Thanks for all the good advice.....

  6. Wow Bro, sounds to close to home for me, except the rape part. That's not cool about the car crash, I don't know if my advise is any good, but I can tell you what I am doing is trying not to call her, it is so hard I cant stand it, I do not live close to my family so I have to call them, and my friends to get my mind off of her. When she got raped did she go talk to professional help? that would be hard to deal with by herself even just with you. I would tell you to start going out as soon as you can. How did calling her mother go? I have been thinking about doing the same thing. good luck with her and remember not to smother her.

  7. When she broke up with me, all she said was that we have nothing in common, but that is not totally true, she just doesn't do anything, no hobbies at all just work and going out to bars, and hanging with her sister (I think she had something to do with this mess). We both enjoy going out to clubs and bars. She is a big time music fan and we like 95% of the same music. We like the same TV shows and movies. I am not controlling at all, have let her do anything she wanted to do over the 5 years. Only one time i told her I did not want her to go on a bus trip with an all guy band that she was friends with, but she went anyway, but that was a long time ago.


    I just don't know what happened, she didn't even give me a chance to make things right or try harder, or tell me she wasn't happy with something that I could have changed. Hell I would have even went to concealing with her don't know if there is another man or what. I don't want to know if there is, that would kill me, but it might make me not want her back so much. I hate feeling this way.


    I have been thinking about calling her mother and talking to her, her Mom and dad think highly of me. Her dad being ex-military and me being active duty, and I help her Mom with many home improvements that would have coasted her big time. I even fix ther cars. Then I think about calling her sister and talking to her trying to get insight, but they are best friends and I don't think she would tell me anything, plus she lies all the time. Do you think I should call them.

  8. Hello all, This is the first time for me using a forum, I really need some advice, this is killing.


    My girl broke up with me, we have been together for 5 years, we got engaged a little over a year ago. I am 30 and she is 27. I thought everything was going great, we just broke up last week.


    The week before she dumped me, she acted like she didn't want to talk to me when I called her. She came down over the weekend and told me she wasn't happy, and she didn't want to get married, and didn't want to be with me. I was crushed, this was so unexpected. She told me she loves me and that i am so wonderful, she even stayed the night, we hugged, kissed, and cryed all night together.

    She said she didnt want to hurt me by staying with me pretending that she was happy.


    Well, from advice from a friend I didnt call her for a week, but i sent her a couple small talk emails and a few text messages over the cell phone. I have not been able to sleep, so I broke down and called her, we talked for like 90 min I told her i missed her and she said that she dosnt know if she misses me. When i told her I love her she told me she loves me. this is so messed up, how could she love me and not want to be with me! i just dont understand it. I feel like part of me is gone. I want to give her space, and not push her further away, but its so hard not to call her, Oh and she told me that I could call whenever i wanted! whats up with that! I have all of these ideas running threw my head things that I want to do to win her back, but I dont know if doing them would just make things worse. I am not from this state and only have one good friend here, he has been a big help getting my mind off of her but when i am alone is when it kills me. i decided to take 3 weeks of vacation starting monday and just go down south toward florida to try to clear my head. Should i send her flowers, I was thinking about sending five dozen roses, one for each year together, but i dont know if it is to soon or what. I really need advise, please help

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