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Posts posted by Insomniac

  1. Well, my boyfriend is a somewhat closed person and has trouble showing me that he loves me. But, that fact makes ME want to SHOW him I love him in ever possible way. So, what are some sweet, (maybe subtle or not so subtle) ways of achieving this? I don't want to be overly cliche or mushy but, i don't want to be emotionless either... I've tried writing him love letters every now and then, but....I run out of ways to express myself in writing. I'm also a poet, and would love to write him a poem... but... it might freak him out. . In advance, any comments are greatly appreciated!

  2. *****It really all depends on YOUR girl. Some women love the whole candle lite dinner, red roses, mushy card...all that. But, some, like myself really don't like that at all. So, just make sure you get her something that might fit her personality type. As for me, I would love if a guy wrote me a poem/or love letter. I love creative stuff like that. And, if he were to get me a card, I would prefer a humurous one, or one that was sweet but not overly mushy, like most cards tend to be. And, i don't really like getting a dozen roses, and having a candlelite dinner, there's no creativeness in that at all. But, then again, your girlfriend might like that...so.....just be creative and have fun!

  3. *****Ya, tongue's defiently good!But, you don't want to throw that in right away, that could get messy. Just gently, softly, slowly start kissing him. Eyes open or closed, your preference. I automatically close mine, but, I've found that my bf keeps his open alot. I think he likes watching me when I get passionate like that. . Anyways...if you two are sitting down, you could put on hand behind his head/neck or gently touching his face. Or, on his shoulders, or holding his hands. Just whatever you feel most comfortable with. And, don't worry about technique and being "right". I used to worry about that, and then I realized (after my first kiss) that it doesn't work that way. It all depends on the person you're kissing. You two will start to move together, in sync (can't remember how to spell it..oh well). If you do french kiss him, i'm sure he'll love it. Just don't move your tongue all over the place like a wild snake, heh, that might confuse him. Just gently swish it around in his mouth, and the bring it back out. Chances are, he'll mirror your movements. Also, my bf LOVES it when i suck on his tongue and lick/GENTLY nibble his lips. But, don't do this until you've got a good kiss going and some rhythmn down. You need to be able to be comfortable with kissing the guy first. Wow, this is long!! .I hope it helps!!!Good luck, and have fun!!

  4. ***** My answer is of course!Why not? My boyfriend and I broke up 3 times, and we're back together right now and happier than ever before. We broke up because he was somewhat insecure even though he loved me to death. I think it just depends on the reason of the break up and the feelings the two people have for eachother.

  5. *****Hm...well, while i'm awaiting answers, I'll let the guys know some specific turn ons for the women...


    1. Ears!!!!!!Lick, suck, nibble..whatever. And not just the outer rim, go behind, and inside too. This is will make any girl shiver.


    2. Tongue. Girls like their tongues sucked too!


    3. Lips. Suck and nibble the bottom lip, it feels awesome.


    4. Legs. I love it when my guy rubs my legs, paying special attention to the thighs and calves.


    5. Neck. Suck, lick, kiss....ahhh....


    6. Try kissing the palm of your girl's hand..I don't know why, but for some reason this is just really sweet to me.


    7. Stomach. I really like it when my boyfriend kisses it, i'm so ticklish, it feels great.


    8. Don't forget to play with a girl's hair. It's like getting a head massage. Ever wonder why girls always play with eachother's hair? That's why!


    9. It really turns me on when my guy rubs against me (aka: humps, grinds..)


    10. Just touch her, be gentle/soft when appropriate.


    *****Ok...now give ME some advice!!

  6. ***** I have two questions for the lovely members of this website today.

    I would really appreciate any/all feeback. Thanks!


    1) What are some specific ways to touch a guy? I mean, I know that for myself, I have some strange turn ons that aren't commonly known. What little things can I do to bring pleasure to my man, besides the tried and true? AND, when giving a HAND JOB, what are some fabulous techniques?


    2) I would love for my guy to be able to bring me great pleasure through his hands..but, unfortunately he's not sure what to do. How can I let him know without actually speaking? I guess just moving his hand or something would work...I'm just really shy when it comes to his turning me on. But, I have no problem jumping him!

  7. *****This subjects just interests me alot. I want to be able to do every little/big thing possible for my bf, to bring him pleasure. So..what are some turn ons that guys like? What are some specific ways you like to be touched/kissed..and how? And also, what are some really great hand job techniques that we girls can use. What should we NOT do and what SHOULD we do??I appreciate any feedback!!Thanks!

  8. *****Being big isn't always a good thing actually....If a guy is TOO big, it might be uncomfortable for his partner. It can sometimes depend on the woman, and the size she can handle or the size of her vagina. Also, the positions you use can make a big difference. So, use a position that will work for your size and the amount your girl can take. And remember, it's not the size that counts, it's how you use it

  9. *****Well, being on the giving end, I find that it's somewhat hard to give my boyfriend a handjob when he has his jeans on. And also, the fabric hurts him a bit sometimes. So, he just takes them off usually. Then, when he's about to cum, he asks me if I want the mess or if he should do it (believe me, this is extremely sweet because he takes into consideration that I might NOT want to get it on me). Then, once he's finished, he just cleans it up with a towel or something. One time, the room was dark and I was crawling around on the floor trying to find something to clean up with. I ended up handing him a sock. . Just don't boss her around or do anything to hurt her feelings. If you have to steer her a bit, do it gently, not commandingly. That way she won't feel inadequate. Most girls love the fact that they are able to give their man pleasure, I know I do. So, encourage her a little and let her know you aren't bored. My bf closes his eyes and moans/whispers. It really turns me on to watch him. And when he really likes it, he'll lay his hand gently on mine or he'll start touching me ( I think he sometimes feels guiltly that I might not be getting any pleasure)

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