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Posts posted by itsmeo_o

  1. um, i've got this efriend, found him on face pic. he's in his early thirties, about twice as old as i am, but pretty goodlooking. we've talked on msn and webcamed for a couple of months. we saw each other on cam and showed each other our stuff. and um recently he asked me to meet up with him. i said oki cus i didn't wanna disapoint him, but at the same time, i'm also worried about, u know, stuff. the question is... should i meet him or not?

  2. well, if he has gay porn tapes, then he's gay, no doubt about it, or perhaps bisexual. anywayz... i think it's possible that a gay guy luvs a girl mentally, but not physically. if u were really good friends b4 u became bf & gf, then it's likely that he luvs u as a friends and a soul mate. and um... has he ever been turned on by u or said that u look hot and he would luv ta c u naked? if he doen't french kiss u then he's probably gay; if he does, he's probably bi.[/u]

  3. Well, let's face it, sometimes women can be quite a yackety-yak. I've got a mom who talks 24/7 non-stop. Not only is it driving my dad crazy, but my sister and me as well.

    Guys dun like no yackety-yak.

    If u luv this guy, try to say things that he wants to hear (sometimes you have to sacrafice a little for love).

    If u dun, then say, "Screw u. im going home."

  4. I've been gay for almost three yrs now... and I seem to b interested in different guys every month, if not every week. And i've chatted with lots of guys on msn. and it seems that everyone just wants ta have some no-string-attached sex.


    Love, does it really exist between two guys?


    Now it's legal for gay couples to get married here in vancouver. but wat will happen a year after two guys get married? Will one cheat on another, or perhaps will they both cheat on each other?


    Despite that I honestly wish to find the one guy that i wanna spend moi life with, will I change my mind after we have sex?


    Love, does it really exits between two guys?

    Is it an instinct that most gay guys, if not all, just wanna have sex with other guys?

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