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Posts posted by swtangel980

  1. wow great poems!! thanks for the help i really enjoyed it i will try hard to fight back to this addiction and one day i will be in your place helping people like you are now. i go to this website that helps revoerying addicts if you wanted to check it out link removed

  2. this is definitly my poem. and i definitly wrote it about me and how i feel. i actually wrote this a couple weeks ago and are just now posting it. my thoughts still the same and the addiction is kiking harder and harder i would love to read some of your poems on it too its great to be able to share!

  3. one day without meth

    is a living hell

    but it beats

    sitting in jail


    my bodys so tense

    my heart is so sore

    and all i want is

    for someone to give me more


    Why does my body

    contradict my brain

    why can't i think straight

    so i can stay sane!


    I have all this help around

    and i still cant deal

    i dont belong here

    thats how i feel


    Maybe one day

    I'll pick up a blade

    press hard on my wrist

    and my life will fade


    On my vein is pressure

    my whole wrist is sore

    I gasp as i see a gapin wound

    and a blood-drenched floor


    i feel weak

    as it runs out of me

    the meth demon was here

    it wouldnt let me be


    As my life is still hangin on

    i think what was so terribly wrong?

    I wish to myself

    Nobody else will sing my sad song.


    I feel my life slipping away

    as i slowly hit my knees

    I see the trees blowing

    and feel a gentle breeze


    I hear a screan

    from so very far

    they grab my lifeless body

    and put me in a car


    Rushing, Rushing, Rushing

    everythings so fast

    everything ever good

    is now in the past


    I hear a doctor

    and the only thing he said

    was Ma'amim sorry

    but she's dead


    How could i do this

    to everyone who had so much love

    i wish they knew Im flying

    Im now as free as a dove


    my body no longer

    fiends and aches

    i no longer get sweats

    or the shakes


    I feel so good

    im all free from meth

    that demon whore

    who brought me to my death


    All my life

    my pain was self-inflicted

    all because

    i was addicted


    But that first day

    I had 2 decisions

    i caused the sleepless nights

    and the scary visions


    The creepy sounds

    and the smoke all around

    look at me now

    im nowhere to be found


    mommy and daddy

    i wish i could pay you back

    for the money i stole

    to get me a sack



    and the pain ive caused

    i know what you went thro wasnt so great

    but kno the things i did

    was not out of hate


    I was just blind

    by how far i was

    I wish i could remember

    by my mind is fuzz


    Im sorry to everyone

    I hurt or stole from

    Just so that I-

    I always had some


    Im sorry to myself

    for not quitting for good

    but the addiction

    doesnt let you do what you should


    I hope you know

    before you dare

    dont try it ever

    cause tina dont kare!


    cuz shell hold u in

    with such great power

    shell kill your soul

    and make you sour


    look at me now

    only a empty soul

    meth left me empty

    and stuck in a hole


    Dont think you are different

    no matter how many people bitchin

    about how it wont hurt you

    cuz theres no fighting back to addiction!

  4. wow thank everyone for all the advise..i am still spotting...i figured it would go away or get heavier into a period but it has not. yes, i am younger than 18 i was not planning on having a child but im still worried about it if i am pregnant. i have most all of the symptoms you named. i will have to see a doctor or something soon. thank you for everything!

  5. i have miss 2 periods.. and i have had all the symptoms of being pregnant and everything i even FEEL pregnant which is probably not the best sign but stil.. today when i went to the bathroom i found little spots like it was not ALOT like when you usually start but very small spots of blood or w/e...is that my period or what is happening?? am i still pregnant?? please help if you have any info on this!! im REALLY worried!

  6. you know i dont even think that he wants the sex or if he is even looking for a relationship he could have just been being nice. Maybe he wants a good friendship that could lead to more in the future i really dont know what he thinks or how he feels about the whole thing i dont even know if he knows that i have feelings for him..maybe one day ill get up the guts to talk to him..

  7. thats very true..i am not sure if he does or not. only time will tell that he seems to be pretty attached to me tho seemings he invites me over and he picks me up(he lives about 30 mins away) and takes me home and everything buys me all kinds of shit.. but i may just be mistaking niceness with flirting..and oh, his child is his stepchild not biological the girl he was with had a baby while they were together and he fell in love with her so he still considers her his!

  8. the pains u get can be from alot of things. cervical cancer to cist on the ovaries maybe u should go see a doctor..i have missed 2 periods so far and i need to take a test because unfortunately i have been smoking and drinking and doing drugs again which is in no way healthy for me OR the kid!!...i havent really thought about my decision since i really dont know if im pregnant or not...u should really get off the birthcontrol if u think u are pregnant..i got pregnant on it and i kept taking it i stopped taking it a week before i had my miscarriage..i believe that is what killed it..since then i have not taken one single bc pill again!! so be careful go get a doctors approvial before trying it!

  9. ive been with older guys than me and actually i have never been with anyone my age before and me and him are pretty good friends, he has a daughter, shes cool. yeah, i do think hes looking for a life mate but he always says age is but a number..so i think that his intentions are good..i just dont want to be look down upon for dating someone almost 7 yrs older than me...or people look down upon him..is it worth is if they do?

  10. this is a poem about a drug addiction. reply with comments good or bad. i was just trying to get my point accross there really isnt any hidden meaning in my poem.


    Remember me, your bestfriend meth!


    Hello everyone my names Tina

    or jib, glass, crank, ice, or meth

    I am your very bestfriend, promise

    We'll be bestfriends till death


    We will chill everyday

    and stay up together at night

    We will be together always

    and never have a fight


    cuz I'll be here when *beep* goes down

    I'll always be here for you

    Are you believing all this?

    good, thats what I want you to do


    Gain all your trust

    be dependent on me

    and when your tired of TinA

    I won't ever let you be


    Your head will never be clear

    your heart will be ice

    you wont ever be the same

    you wont love or be nice


    You are now my victim

    Im so glad you couldn't see

    There is only one way out

    and your life is my fee


    I know you loved me

    How could i lie?

    But i didnt Dear Friend

    I told you I'd be here till you die


    So your laying on your deathbed

    Smoking your meth

    cursing my name

    cause im bring you death


    Nobody will come to your funeral

    Nobody cares

    People tried to help you

    but now nobody dares


    You beat up your mom

    stole from your dad

    your life is all mine now

    isn't it sad?


    You killed your wife

    and unborn kid

    initially you killed yourself

    that is exactly what you did


    I seduced you with my sparkles

    and kept you with addicted

    every word was lies

    it was all fiction


    I dont love you at all

    I want to see you die

    your life is but one

    of the many who cry


    your not special to me

    not in any way

    your so doped up that

    in your own bed you can't lay


    soon they'll come and repo your *beep*

    but you'll still have me

    you know what ive done here?

    you still dont see??


    I know you love me but

    I need to leave you alone

    i left you penniless

    not even a phone


    I'll leave you be for awhile

    you'll come running back

    they always do

    just trying to score a 20 sack


    And then I'll be with you

    your bestfriend once more

    your heart hurts

    and your body's sore


    Until one day I take your veins

    you take the needle and push it in

    I know your Christian

    and this is a sin


    I'll run through your veins

    with such a wild pace

    I'll smile and laugh

    all in your face


    Your mine all mine

    I'll be with you till death

    remember my name

    im your bestfriend, Meth


    your bodies racing

    and your head feels high

    you feel the greatest rush

    and then you die


    your heart explodes

    all in your chest

    you were so good

    you were one of my best!


    When you die

    it's not heaven you see

    It's burning flames of hell

    and of cource, ME


    I forgot to tell you

    remember me, i was the thing you was datin

    besides meth and tina,

    my names also satin!

  11. THANK you Jim!! that was really sweet!!...im a female i would want myne smaller if i had to chose. but if i really had to chose i wish it wouldnt really matter and every guy would jsut look into their eyes becuz WE ARE HUMANS!! we dont look at your penis's to decide if we want you or not so dont decide by our breasts!!

  12. ok, wow...both of yall have such good points..now im really confused...becuase both make so much sense get him and his gf feels awful and then not get him and me feel awfull....which is better??.....i have a feeling the answer is clear im jsut blind to it.

  13. you really cant help how you feel you can help your actions but not your emotions. Just think about it if your boyfriend was to tell you that the girl he used to mess with messedwith his bestfriend andthat he was really hurt by that, how would you feel? i suggest just letting it be there isnt anythign else to do if you want to keep your man. Just keep your mind on how much you actually like ur boyfriend and how much you liked the other guy. I suggest no more games, it sucks when people play games with you why would u want to do it to somebody else and have it back fire on you like this time!

  14. i dont know if i can 'just' be friends with him hes just too apealing for me. i dont think i can jsut watch him be with her.its either all or nothing at this point for me maybe its best to leave it at nothing..

  15. i really shouldnt go for him i know..thats bad...but i feel so drawn to him..i guess its nature want what u cant have i wanna respect his girlfriend but in another way i want to just say the hell with her..i dont know shes not my friend she has never made an effort to be nice to me. but i know i know. karma is a bitch. i guess ill wait it out see where it goes

  16. his gf would be PISSED..i would hate to be her if i ended taking him from her..lol..i dont even know her she could be really cool and they seem to have a good thing going i dont wanna be resposible for breaking that up but i REALLY like hiM!!

  17. i am really confuesed..i have this guy in one of my classes...hes so kute. and i really am crushing him hard which is weird cuz he is like my age when i usually date like 2-6 yrs above my age. so this is a good thing for me. and the first couple days i was like hell yeha i really liek him then BAM his girlfriend is in our class and i didnt know it they dont act all bf/gf like i dont know i guess they do now that i know but he just makes me feel like he likes me. i could be wrong but i think he likes me too i dont know should i make a move? i dont want to do the wrong thing here that would be terribly embarrasing!

  18. i left out a lil bit of the story..i have miss 2 periods so i ThInK im pregnant..i had been using quite an amount of drugs in my first month of pregnancy. when i missed my first period and the thought that i may be pregnant crossed my mind i quite the drugs, drinking, and smoking cig. i dont do anything to hurt my child i am afraid that already my baby could be damaged becuase in the first few months of development it is the most important. So if i was to give my baby up for adoption it may have some complications. I dont know if i could live with myself to have to hand MY bad choice to someone else but also i dont know if i could have an abortion it would just kill me inside taking another life, but i am struggle to get thro school much less a regular child but a child with a disability...i just couldnt do it..

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