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Everything posted by abrandnewtheory

  1. Coldplay- There is really no right or wrong answer to this question because either way you are going to feel that somehow you are hurting someone, whether it's you or your friend. The advice that I can give to you is that you talk to your friend and tell him exactly how you feel about this girl. I understand that he has feelings for this girl to but you should assure him that if he was in the same position as you that you would let him go for this girl. I know that most people say that you shouldn't let a girl come between friendships but it sounds to me like you really like this girl so definitely talk to your friend about it. Make sure you point it out to him that you wanted to talk to him about it because that does show your loyalty to him. Now for the girl. I really think that you should talk to her about it. You should bring it to her attention that it wasn't just something you want to forget about. You should also remind her that you like her by showing her somehow. For example if she tells you that she enjoys running you should call her up and ask her if she wants to go for a run or do little things that show her you care. I hope my advice was somewhat helpful and if you need anything else..don't be afraid to ask Good luck, a brand new theory
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