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Everything posted by persephone

  1. I've been seeing this really great guy for over 2 months, he's 25, I'm 31. We get along great together as we both have so much in common. Right now he is in training to become an electrical engineer which has required him to be out of town alot and unfortuanely it's been over 2 weeks since we saw each other last. The few times we have spent together have been incredible...he treats me like no man has before and I wonder if he's falling for me as I know I have for him. He calls me when he can and we try to catch each other on msn. He's always telling me he misses me and that he thinks of me often. He definitely makes me feel good and whenever he calls me or emails me, he always starts it off with "hey gorgeous" I guess what I'm looking for is a man's insight on this. I really want to believe that this guy is for real as I've been hurt before and the time apart is bringing up past insecurities, even though I am a very strong woman. I hope someone out there can help ease these thoughts of insecurity and tell me if it sounds like he's falling for me. [/b]
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